Uplink for Ruby

@jtolio Can you please provide write access to uplink-ruby so that I can merge in PRs? Right now I am only allowed to approve them.

Hmm, “Admin” access includes write access, so you should have had it. That said, I just checked, and you were not listed as having any access at all! Peculiar. I readded you but you may need to accept the invite.

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Presigned URLs is a clearly S3 feature, so it will not be implemented in uplink.
There are two standard ways: use linksharing service or register your access grant on our S3 Gateway and generate presigned URLs:

The linksharing service you linked to is for sharing the object via read-only access. We use this already in our ActiveStorage gem I posted above.
The piece we’re missing is direct uploads, which requires a presigned URL to push the object to. Am I correct in understanding this is only possible from S3 tool?

It is possible for S3 protocol, yes. There is no other way to upload something via browser using the linkshare URL, you need either to implement it on your site or share an access grant (and use any native integration for uploads, like Filezilla, uplink or rclone, etc.), or use presigned URLs with a write permission (based on s3 protocol).

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