First, clean your logs and check the databases.
To check dbs, stop the node, and do a pragma check; you can do a vacuum too.
Download and unzip the sqlite binaries in C:\sqlite:
Here is the command if you moved the dbs in C:\Downloads:
In Power Shell (user mode) for C:\Downloads\
cd C:\sqlite
Get-ChildItem C:\Downloads\*.db -File | %{$_.Name + " " + $(C:\sqlite\sqlite3.exe $_.FullName "PRAGMA integrity_check;")}
Get-ChildItem C:\Downloads\*.db -File | %{$_.Name + " " + $(C:\sqlite\sqlite3.exe $_.FullName "VACUUM;")}
To clean the logs, set custom log level:
Stop node, rm node, start node with new params.
Let the used space filewalker to finish for all sats.
docker logs storagenode 2>&1 | grep "used-space-filewalker"
Than check the dashboard, used space, logs.