What is the difference between Storj and Tardigrade?

Storj and Tardigrade focus on different areas of the business and the network. After listening to feedback and digging into what people were saying, we made the decision to use different names to refer to different functional areas This is cleaner and less confusing.

Storj Labs is the area of our business that focuses on the supply side of our business. that means that the website storj.io serves:

  • Storage Node Operators (SNO)
  • Community
  • Open Source Contributors
  • Token and company info

Tardigrade is powered by Storj Labs, and used for the demand side of our business. That means things pertaining to:

  • Customers
  • Developers
  • Our Open Source Partners Program
  • Tech partners who refer customers/developers to buy our cloud storage
  • Anyone who wants to buy decentralized cloud storage

Tardigrade satellites are subject to high SLA requirements, which are enforced rigorously. For details on Tardigrade, see our blog post Introducing Tardigrade

STORJ token is a utility token running on the Ethereum blockchain. Our blog devotes an entire category to tokens, and describes how it is used in SNO payouts, its governance, and also the uses, flows and policies. We are dedicated to transparency, and frequently publish on the matter. Here are some posts to check out