What you wished you'd known when you started - a summary

That’s two questions :sweat_smile:

There is no reason why you should add an extra complexity step. Docker was made for microservices, but somehow morphed into running everything from text editors to clustered databases. Like everything we use, it is the wrong tool for the job, we just use it because everybody else does.

Makes it a lot easier to run multiple nodes one the one machine, though…

…which leads me to think we use it because it makes lives easier. People are lazy :wink:

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No it doesn’t make life easier. How many topics have you seen where you need to remove a systemd service file and recreate it just because you want to change a configuration variable?

I’ll be happy to go into more docker bashing in a different topic. I stopped the bad habit of taking over topics, unless someone asks me a direct question.

Fair comment.
I think it has a lot to do with skill as well. For someone like me who is scared of messing under the hood too much, Docker is an easy cop out.

As you said, the right tool for the right person. :slight_smile:


None…? We’ve got the config.yaml for it.
I think, docker is still the simple setup to go with.

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Exactly. You edit a config file, you restart the service using the systemd service file. Easy, simple, reliable.

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Yeah, much alike Docker…?

Thanks @Mitsos and @JWvdV and @ACarneiro!

I’ve created a new topic to discuss Docker / bare metal Linux etc here!

Would love to get your thoughts there if you don’t mind, then I’ll add the conclusions to the summary in the original post :slight_smile:

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Docker adds a small latency penalty for the virtual network adapter.


If you use bridge mode. If you go with network host, I guess that latency is no more?

This is strange. You are running a docker node and I am not. Why do you expect me to answer your question regarding docker? Last time I checked even network host still adds a small latency.

that sounds like a lot more work when my goal is to be as passive as possible and i also host other apps on the server. spare drive on hand for a hot swap when one dies, then ill pick up a replacement.

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Actually, Linux 1GB no GUI is still feasible.

Actually, not so much a difference, unless you use a Windows/Mac to run a Docker Desktop. Because in the late case it will be a Linux VM. If you are on Linux, then there is almost no difference. The docker container would run on your host’s kernel with some restrictions, that’s all. The footprint is negligibly, so can be ignored. However, yes, the pure Linux service would not have even this small footprint.

Jea i took the wrong word. Minimum instead of Recommended.
Interesting would be to know how much nodes run on Linux no GUI?
Also how big are the drives?

All my nodes run on headless units.


Don’t you ever apply for a PR job.

Sorry I didn’t understand that.