When will "Uncollected Garbage" be deleted?

Hey there!

I’ve noticed the ongoing debate about whether this issue is real or just overblown. Some might still be brushing it off, thinking, ‘Hey, it’s still money in the bank!’ But let’s dive into what really happens when your node gets filled up with test data that doesn’t clear out:

Take a look at these two charts I whipped up—one with TTL enabled and one without. They tell a pretty interesting story. With TTL enabled, it feels like you’ve hit the jackpot early on, but as time goes by, that initial rush starts to slow down. Why? Because half of your space gets taken over by uncollected garbage, which—surprise, surprise—doesn’t pay the bills! In the long run, your earnings start to dwindle. Meanwhile, when TTL isn’t enabled, your node fills up more steadily. While the earnings might start slower, they’re more consistent over time.

So, unless you’re sitting on petabytes of storage, this test data could actually be holding you back from maximizing your earnings. For most SNOs, this means we’re missing out on storing fresh, paid data, and our payouts are shrinking as a result.