10 % discount if I pay in Storj Token make no Sense due to high gas fee

10 % discount if I pay in Storj Token make no Sense due to high gas fee


Although that’s probably going to be a problem for many months still, I hope this issue will be solved when ETH 2.0 is released. Then, this discount will make sense :slight_smile:

Many other issues will hopefuly be solved at the same time, like SNO payement thresholds also.

But for the time being… erc-20 fees are likely to remain a rather annoying problem for sure :confused:

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They just need to accept storj tokens on any method they send payouts to, e.g. zksync (and whatever they have in the works)


That is an incredibly valid point that Storj should accept payment via a method they themselves use to pay SNO’s!