A few days ago I started the graceful output of the third node, but the first node got emptied

Specify its identity with --identity-dir and config with --config-dir in storagenode.exe exit-satellite command.
Make sure that identity belongs this node (it will print the NodeID) and the config is point to the same identity and correct data location.

Could you please show the value of server.private-address: for all nodes?

On your first screenshot it showed the correct NodeID, but incorrect data usage (so, it loaded data for the first node actually).
And I got the reason. It would be more noticeable if you posted it as a text…
You specified --config-dir "C: \Program Files\Storj\Storage Node" (with space between C: and remained path…), and it was happily ignored and used a default one - from the first node…

However, I now believe, that at least Windows binary ignores the --config-dir option completely for exit-satellite and exit-status.


Node2 localhost:14003
Node3 localhost:14004

Node2 ID: 12sBsqsJR2mQh95ScQH5Snex7bRDNB8k9xVZLjP7tLqKb7Fb8a1

would that be ok?

“storagenode.exe” exit-satellite --identity-dir “C:\Users\Matao\AppData\Roaming\Storj\Identity3\storagenode” --config-dir “C:\Program Files\Storj2\Storage Node” --log.output stderr

you posted console.address for web-dashboard, not the server.private-address:

It will not be ok. It will try to exit the first node anyway. What’s mess…

Please run your command, and go further until it request the list of the satellites. It will print the used storage. Here you should stop it by Ctrl-C.
Please copy the output and post here between two new lines with three backticks like this:

here is the text output

Or a screenshot. Now I would check it more close.

After that try to use this command:

"storagenode.exe" exit-satellite --identity-dir "C:\Users\Matao\AppData\Roaming\Storj\Identity3\storagenode" --log.output stderr --server.private-address

and go further until the table with satellites and used space, then interrupt it and post result here

Uploading: node1–.jpg…

I do not understand you. is it what is in the picture?

The first node is exiting. I can’t do anything else with the first node.

In the last catch. is it ok to start?


Yes, as you can see the total usage is match the usage on node3
The exit-satellite and exit-status doesn’t uses config file (I think this is a bug), so you must provide the private server address to this command to allow it to communicate with the right storagenode.
The second bug that these commands did not verify provided identity to communicate via private server address.

Thank you.

Start the output of the third node.

Now I will only have the second node.

I followed the guide for graceful output. I think I followed the steps correctly.

I didn’t know about the bugs.

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Yes, I did not know about the bugs too.

I also updated the documentation to explicitly provide --server.private-address instead of --config-dir (which is ignored anyway).

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Thank you.

I am using windows 11.

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