An Ultimate backup! Parts on all nodes!

Make additional option to super backup a file.

It will distribute file multiple times, normally it maks 80 parts, and 30 is needed to restore it fully, if i remember correctly.

How about extra option “keep always above […] parts online”

So the customer can choose number, how safe he/she want to be with the file.

For example i want to upload my backup and pay extra so the system keeps 1000 parts always online.

How about someone want his file to be distributed to ALL NODES, in case of armaggedon to get most probability, if the dust comes down, there will still be at least 30 nodes to restore the file :smiley:

Ofccours that will cost, but the customer got the money, but there is noone who will give him the kind of service!? STORJ can! like noone else!, What a marketing can be done out of it just imagine! And traffic for node operators, and money for keeping the HDD filled as well! What do You think?


Idea is interesting, but who will pay for extra recovering parts?
Also usualy when 80 parts it is overhead in size 2.5 times. this overhead is hidden in price.
but who will pay 1000/80=12.5 times more overhead. so 10mb file usualy 25MB in storj. so in 1000 pieces is its 300+ MB from 10 MB no one will want to pay so much.


This idea is outlined in the Whitepaper | 6.1 Hot files and content delivery. We want to implement this functionality sometime in the future.


Vadim? Just imagine! There are people, where money is not a problem. Its Optional!
BTW, do You know safer way to store a .txt file with confidential data, that STORJ?
the text file is small so making it “always above 1000” is no cost at all, and the redundancy is UNMATCHED, it could fuel the STORJ marketing thou the crypto world!

I would like to bump this Topic, because of current payout changes.
According to @Alexey here

If it’s in fact $1.5 * 80 /29 = $4.13, what STORJ pays SNOs for storage of 1TB
then really something need to be done with that part, because it collects $4 from customers.
(i know its redundancy of a file, 80 pieces total /29 pieces need to complete a file,
its a factor of ~2,75)

If You would change a default redundancy factor from 2,75 to lets say 2, You could pay SNOs $3 per 1TB and still cash out $4 from customers. That’s fair 25% for Storj inc.
And we still would be getting $1,5/TB/mo as SNOs.

Additionally as this topic originally meant,
You could offer customizable redundancy for specific files or group of files.
So the client can decide how much safety he wants, and to pay accordingly.
Just so STORJ inc. would always have a healthy 25% to 15% margin of profit from just storage, after paying SNOs.

In this scenario if client wants 2,75 factor, with todays storage price, they would need to pay a SNOs part +25% for Storj inc.:
$1.5 * 80 /29 = $4.13 for SNOs
$4.13 * 1,25 = 5,16$ per 1TB/mo for storage from customer total.

And if he wants 2 times better than now

$1.5 * 160 /29 = $8,27 for SNOs
$8,27 * 1,25 = $10,34 per 1TB/mo

You could make it even stepwise.
The more redundancy the customer wants, the cheaper it can gets, like:

$8,27 * 1,20 = $9,93 per 1TB/mo

And the fun example, “always above 1000” for Vadim:
A 1000 parts would need factor of 12,5. (if 80 parts is factor of 2,75)
$1.5 * 1000 /29 = $51,72 for SNOs
$51,72 * 1,20 = $62 per 1TB/mo storage from customer

So still cheaper than BIG CLOUD,
if counting storage + egress, according to STORJ graph here, right?!

$62 storage + $7 egress of 1TB, $69 STORJ
$23 storage + 80 egress of 1TB from $103 BIG CLOUD
And they have nothing near the redundancy of 34 like in this case!
…and World WIDE!

Alexey said also:
“And this is without repair costs (Storj paying to SNO $10/TB of egress repair, if the repair job got triggered).”

Yes, but that cost goes from the pocket of a SNO, who lost piece, or got offline too long so its always covered.
We are talking here about increasing amount of pieces in the same model, still 80 pieces of one file.

Right now we have around 22000 nodes.
How about i want a piece on ALL of them?
$1.5 * 22000 / 29 = $1138 for SNOs
$1138 * 1,15 = $1308/TB/mo from a customer for keeping 1TB in 22000 pieces WOW!

Assuming that our important .txt is like 16KB, its just 0.000000016 TB
So 0.000000016 x $1308 = $0,000020928 per month for to store a 16KB file on 22000 nodes! WOW, who can do that, but STORJ?!
Who should do that BUT STORJ!?

Also this mechanism, can be very desirable, if someone is preparing to distribute a file to the world.
Like world premiere, or publishing it on popular medium, when the download is EXTREME at the moment of publishing, so the file should be at many many nodes to assure it can be accessed for everyone at once.

Or say i have 100MB and want it’s piece on all 22000 nodes.
it’s 0.0001024TB * $1308 = $0,1339392 per mo to store a 100MB file on 22000 nodes.
Vadim, so its NOT so much. Not much at ALL, for the benefit it gives.

So that’s with still $1,5 per 1TB for SNOs.
END of main Topic

But now lets back to the first part of this post.
If it’s in fact $1.5 * 80 /29 = $4.13, what STORJ pays SNOs for storage of 1TB
then really something need to be done with that part, to not lose money.
or price for customers should be more for storage of 1TB. (not $4 like now)

Let me show You some simulation:
I would start from the foundation of the network, the nodes.
To secure the foundations, i assume you have to pay the node well.
Well is $2-3 for storage of 1 TB (not current $1,5), (and money for egress is included in it) Because paying such high amount to SNO is ONE and ONLY guarant that he will want to stay in network, and allows Storj inc. to drop any held amount, or drastically reduce it (just always 1-2 month delay upfornt of payment). So the new node, can benefit right away from joing the network, and it enables SMALL SNOs to join because of that (now that’s not profitable for small), and small SNOs GREATLY increase decentralization, and this is what Storj needs, more nodes in country’s like india, or asia in general. That is only to achieve by giving them the GREAT offer to be a SNO. (Remember after some years they have to buy some used HDDs, to replace, if want to continue to be a SNO, HDDs are not eternal.)

Then, if everything stays the same, just SNOs pay up, from $1,5 to $3 for storage.
$3 * 80 /29 = $8,27
$8,27 * 1,25 = $10,34 from customers per 1TB/mo, storage.

Looks like “no way, too much!”
Would that be really too much? well if SNO would be paid that high,
as a SNO, i argued few times, that this is really ENOUGH and satisfying!
That means, no need for money from egress.

As a 7TB node operator, i used to be paid $20-26 for it.
For 06.2023, my payout was $13,49
for 05.2023 was $13,68
04.2023 was $16.40
03.2023 was $15.90
02.2023 was $16.12
01.2023 was $18.32
12.2022 was $22.23
and months before about 20-26$ for this full 7TB node.
and around 50% of that was egress back then, now there’s almost no egress.

That’s not stable for a node operator, as You can see, no egress traffic makes 50% difference for SNO payout, also You reduces pay rates for future.
i think what happened it’s You cut synthetic egress and prepared a network to be able to scale, that’s good. BUT. As You can see it results in 50% drop of payouts for a node, and SNOs in general. And with current rate for customers at $7/TB for egress, seems they just don’t want to use it at this rate! (because You cut synthetic, and what’s left is almost none)
Means its still too expensive to use egress at STORJ somehow. (that’s the market, not me!)

Therefore, look,
if You get $10 from customers for storage, You could offer egress for $1 or $2 per TB.
And keep all that for STORJ inc. just like now, where its $7 egress and You keeps $2 as well.
The difference is You would pay SNOs $3 for storage, which allows You to ADD nodes to the network world wide (not lose like now, with rate at $1,5), ADD nodes, especially in india, AND keep the nodes filling, because so small egress price would finally incentivize a real USAGE, especially for Videos, which is according to Livepeer: 80% of internet’s traffic.

And thats before polishing.
How about SNOs would be just as happy with $2,5?

$2,5 is still much better than $1,5.
It only matters what is the real rate, at which, the nodes would keep comming and adding HDDs for STORJ. That need to be veryfied by the market.

if $2,5
that would do
$2,5 * 80 /29 = $6,89
$6,89 * 1,25 = $8,61 from customers per 1TB/mo, storage.

now You could definitely ask for $2 or even $3 per egress from customers.
(currenly its $4 storage +$7 egress = $11)
New ratio would be $8,61 or $8,49 for better look, + $3 = 11,49$
or $8,49 + $2,5 = $11
Still same total outcome nominally.

But what gives better opportunity to profit?
What people want more? storage or cheap usage - egress?
I think people care less about storage price, and crave a real cheap usage option, because that what’s takes gross % of cost.
You upload a video once, and people can download it potentially limitless times.
But You can’t upload limitless data to profit from storage!
Therefore i think it is better to cut profit % from what can be limitless.
And offer cheap egress to profit from its usage.
And to profit from egress usage, it has to be in good price, so people want to use it here.

I think with that approach STORJ could attract video intensive traffic customers.
And at the same time, secure its future, by making sure the network is ever growing, with loyal nodes that would never want to quit.
Thank You for reading. @john

And if someone is afraid people will game it, like serving no egress availability for the STORJ, then i say yes, some people are trying to game everything. But just like in games, there’s just anti-cheating mechanisms to assure the agreement is being honored by both sides. No exception here.

unfortunately not covered:

For offline nodes their held amount is not used, they only lose their pieces as a result.
So, repair costs always paid from the Satellite Operator’s pocket, in this case - Storj.

I think you just won the “longest post award” in this forum. :partying_face:
8 iPhone screens! LOL
Rise your hand who read it!


Then all the more reason to find a way to pay SNOs at least $2,5 per 1TB stored, so they don’t quit suddenly, so they want to keep the node.

If there would be 1-2 month delay say in 08.2023, You get paid for 06.2023. And in 09.2023 for 07.2023, that way it scales with node size, even after 15 months. What if after 15 months the 20TB node quits without “graceful exit”? How much the cost will be?

2 months of buffer for 20TB would be like
20TB * 1,5 * 2 months = $60? (with current $1,5 per TB)
20TB * $2,5 * 2 months = $100 (with $2,5 per TB)
i guess $100 still better than $0, which is a held amount after 15 months, right?

The more You pay a node for storage, the better buffer will be for repair costs.
And the better incentive to keep the node, and keep getting paid every month.

I didn’t get what’s buffer?
Do you mean we should not pay what we owe for the last two months in case of ungraceful exit?

This is not really an incentive. Isn’t now, won’t be in the fixture, even if you triple it. If I need space I lent to storj back — I’m deleting the node, with rm -rf. Graceful edit is a fantasy. Nobody has time to wait three months.

On your original suggestion on increasing file redundancy — it’s already redundant enough. You are more likely to lose access to your account on the satellite than storj is to lose a file. If you store important data on the network — you need to have a backup. “Paying for premium durability” is not a replacement.

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More pieces could be useful for CDN behavior especially for peaks demand, like an update for a popular program, or some video broadcasting (with recording).
But I have to agree for backup purposes it is likely not needed for most of the customers.


By the way payouts only for used space without payments for egress will likely incentive to build huge setup (of course with /24 circumvent) with bare availability only to pass audits, something like several kbps for egress.
This will not improve the speed of egress from the network, in which case we will be forced to increase the erasure factor, so the expansion factor will also increase, and we will most likely end up with a negative balance at the end.

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It is probably even dangerous, because users will likely not understand the effect of less pieces and only see the money they can save. But they will loudly complain in the social media space when they have lost a file as a cause of their decisions and blame Storj. This will give Storj a bad name.

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They suggests to spread pieces not between 80 nodes but all 22k nodes, not less.

He suggested to reduce redundancy and to let the customer decide how much safety he wants:

Oh I see. I mean the initial idea, not this one, sorry. I wouldn’t allow to lower the expansion factor unless it’s really safe, and that should be modeled correctly.

Reducing redundancy by optimizing Reed Solomon settings is very fine.
However it must never get lower than the required numbers to not to losing a file. I would say one single file lost and Storj is dead.
And if there is a bottom limit that is required then you can do this limit for all customers and there is no need to allow clients a setting below that.
So Storj would have to set an absolute bottom limit.
But of course, if a customer wants more for whatever reason, why not allow that and charge the customer nicely for it?
If it would be combined with regional options, so that customer can specify something like specific geographic regions where he needs additional pieces for better availability or general better worldwide spreading, I think that would be a cool feature.


That would be a NEAT feature, AND what’s more, it solves the bottleneck for popular files, scaling. 1GB or 10GB or even 100GB in 22000 pieces is relatively CHEAP, and the availability it offers is simply UNMATCHED, take that Big Cloud!

A new BIG gun in marketing arsenal for STORJ!

1GB would be 0.001024TB * $1308 = $1,339392 per mo to store a 1GB file on 22000 nodes.
10GB would be 0.01024TB * $1308 = $13,39392 per mo to store a 10GB file on 22000 nodes.
100GB would be 0.1024TB * $1308 = $133,9392 per mo to store a 100GB file on 22000 nodes.

That’s with $1,5/TB/mo/storage for SNOs currently
But imagine this combined with new price for egress: $2,5 (instead of $7 currently)
with model where SNOs would be paid $2,5/TB/mo/storage

then it would be like this:

1GB would be 0.001024TB * $2181 = $2,23 per mo to store a 1GB file on 22000 nodes.
10GB would be 0.01024TB * $2181 = $23,33 per mo to store a 10GB file on 22000 nodes.
100GB would be 0.1024TB * $2181 = $233,33 per mo to store a 100GB file on 22000 nodes.

Still small price

BUT an egress for customers would be $2,5 not $7!
SO more likely they would like to USE STORJ service!
(because You upload files to make use of them, and egress price is kind of a wall, preventing every customer from using it, because it hurts the pocket!)

BUT, if egress for customers drops from $7 to $2,5, and overall nominal cost to customers stays the same ($8,5 + $2,5 = $11), Your profit nominally the same ($2 from every 1TB egress),
it can trigger a minimum of 2 times more egress thanks to that drop,
and You, STORJ inc. suddenly earns minimum 2 times more than currently!

Mayby ask customers:
if they want to pay $4 + $7 or $8,5 + $2,5?
I personally? Would like to pay more for storage of a video, to be able to pay 2,8 times LESS for its distribution.
Because that’s what it is for, why i’m uploading a Video to a hosting!
for it to be downloaded in mass and watched!
So i will use that hosting, what take less for distribution!
And combine that with UNMATCHED STORJ advantages like: zero knowledge, world wide distribution on all nodes, it becomes a NO BRAINER really to choose STORJ over anything else!
For everyone who wants the Video to be watched smoothly, no matter the place in the world!
I’m telling You!

Yes sir.
No other held amount, other than always last 2 months, even after 15 months.
And You didn’t reply me on how much it currently cost if 20TB node quits without “graceful exit”.

well couldn’t it be done by still making a file to 80 pieces, but for default level, just to upload 60 to nodes? it still need only 29 pieces to complete a file, but You don’t have to mess with the Reed Solomon, And STORJ would finally stop LOSING money on storage. And start profiting 25% on every 1TB stored.

Well probbably? im telling You, its a wholesome solution.
Additionally You have to make sure for example: that 8 nodes in same computer in same apartment (/24 circumvent) doesn’t get more than 1 piece of a given file. (if 80 pieces total)
And how would You now know, which nodes are in one /24 circumvent?
if they all hide behind VPNs?

You would need to drop the incentive to do so.
Why people gaming the system and making many nodes under one location against ToS?
Because the payment for say 20TB full node is currently $30 + some ridiculous little money from egress $5/TB so mayby 1 TB out of 20TB egress a month there is, its $35/mo, for a 20TB hdd constant in use, if it’s not some Ultrastar, it will likely die in 2-5 years under such load. Who wants to condemn their equipment to certain death for $35 a month, minus cost of growing electricity prices, minus cost of growing inflation? minus cost of watching over this, so it works 24/7/365 non stop?

Cheapest good quality 20TB HDD is like $300 used. its like 15-24 months to just cover the costs, and if You want this SNO to stay an operator, then he have to have money to replace the HDD in case of failure, otherwise he would lose TIME and EFFORT on this whole STORJ operation, if after 2 years he end up with NO 20TB HDD, and NO money for even same used one. So whats the point to be a SNO?

And that’s assuming the node is full of 20TB data from the start, and we know, that filling the HDD from 0 will take 2 to 3+ years! so there’s around minimum 2 years of wearing off the HDD for STORJ when the node just starting to earn optimally, and now, something happens with the HDD, what’s now!?
Wouldn’t been he better off, if he would just keep that HDD for him self occasionally used?

So You see, 1 node even with big HDD 20TB, isn’t worth of a keeping computer 24/7/365, its just not effective with current SNOs rate. Because 90 Watt computer for 24/7/365 is like $197/year alone, if 1kWh is $0,25 total. (in Poland is currently, and $0,50/1kWh after 2000 kWh limit/ restarts yearly, and that computer is 788 kWh/year) Whatever, make it raspberry pi with i don’t know mayby 15 watt total, and 1 hdd, that’s 131,33 kWh/year, $32,83/year for power, but raspberry pi’s don’t grow on trees for free. I never had one, but i have normal PC’s and they eat like 60-100 watt idle. And people in large %, have no reason to run a PC 24/7/365 other than STORJ. I run BIG, 170 watt PC with 14 HDDs, only for STORJ. if those 14 drives will fill i will be sitting on around 150TB of data. That’s $225 a month. You think paying a man to secure a 150TB of Your data is enough? yes or no, leave a comment. (How much it will cost if 150 TB will go without gracefull? just asking for a friend) Don’t look at me, im telling as it is, people BUY used HDDs for STORJ only, because don’t expect otherwise. You pay, so incentive appears. It’s either this, PC dedicated for STORJ 24/7/365, or no PC, and no node. People with already use case for PC in home to work 24/7/365 are too small %, and they already busy with what they doing, to look at some spare change for the effort with starting with STORJ and learning how to operate it. Because they won’t let go only 1 or few private HDDs they have in the NAS to be totaled, for pennys. And i earned it long time ago, i’m already payed off for few years up front even with this pc cost me total of 2500 usd, i bough it from STORJ money, its full of enterprise grade HDDs, i earned from first months of surges. So im forever gratefull and i swore to myself that my PC would serve STORJ faithfully till the end, my or STORJ’s. Anyway:

So people have to have few HDDs in the computer so it makes sense for the electricity alone.
If someone have 2 HDDs then problem with 24/limit occurs. What to do?
2nd node have to have different ip now, or both nodes will slow in data filling 2 times now!
If You have 3 HDD’s, then 3 ip’s, or data will come 3 times slower etc. etc.
So without gaming the 24/ rule, there is no hope for return to just cover the cost even in 2 years.

So the incentive to break the ToS 24 rule is too slow data filling.
The 20TB node has to fill in 1-2 years even with 5 or 10 nodes in same 24/ circumvent.
That’s the bare minimum. You don’t see yet an huge exodus, because it’s been just above 1 month from when new rates took place. But in long term, above i showed You the costs. Not many will want to join for such rates to the network as a node in long term. And if they join, they will realize it after some time, resulting in ungraceful exit. (again, how much that costs?) And if USD drops in value globally, then it will be even worst.
Either You make data flow fast, or You rise SNOs payout for storage from $1,5 to $2,5, with current data inflow for bare minimum.

And this combined with $2,5/TB/mo storage rate, vs $1,5 currently, will make node operation sustainable.

If 20TB will fill in 1-2 years or faster, then paying additional cost of a VPN will be unnecessary.
No other option, You have to remove the REASON people game the system.
And nodes will drop VPN’s subscriptions, revealing true ip, and then it will be visible for STORJ.
So just with current implementation, the same piece will not fall into same 24/ circumvent, if i remember correctly.

Fortunately, You CAN rise it, AND simultaneously make STORJ service more attractive for customers!
At the same time securing STORJ future to ever expand,
by securing nodes work.
And making sure Storj inc. earns both from storage and from egress!

So paying $2,5 for storage to SNOs sorts:

  • 24 / limit problem,
  • Held amount for too long problem,
  • Sudden quitting problem
  • Small TB nodes profitable problem.
  • Nodes centralization problem
  • Too low customers usage problem.
  • Slow data inflow problem (faster HDDs data filing)
  • Storj income problem

And You don’t have to think anymore about making 60 pieces instead of 80 as default.
The price for storage would be $8,5/TB/mo for customers with current default 80/29 redundancy. And STORJ inc. will profit 25-15% from every 1TB/mo stored, not losing like now.

So again:

“with bare availability only to pass audits, something like several kbps for egress.”
Making a Storj node, one agree to given requirements:

One processor core
Minimum 550GB of available disk space
Minimum of 2TB of available bandwidth a month
Minimum upstream bandwidth of 5 Mbps
Minimum download bandwidth of 25 Mbps
Keep your node online 24/7

5 Mbps that gives max 1,5TB of uploaded data in a month.
if that’s the requirements, then the node has to be audited also for this 5 Mbps parameter, every day.

if that’s needed, in order to secure STORJ profitable future for everyone, then isn’t it WORTH doing so?

It could be zero. Depends on how many healthy pieces for the segments, the repair job got triggered when the number of healthy pieces is below the configured threshold (56 at the moment). Your node contains only one piece from 80 for the segment.
Otherwise it will cost as described in the post above.

May be. But this should be well modeled. The current model is 80/29. Lowing redundancy without proper investigation is too risky, especially if account nodes who trying to bypass /24 limits.
Right now 60 is too close to the minimum health threshold of 56 nodes, so we likely will be forced to repair even a new data much earlier, than with 80 pieces, which may never happen otherwise (the customer may delete their data way before the segment reach a threshold for repair).

I do not know. But I would like to read ideas on that topic.
There are usually at least two solutions - make it economically not viable, or apply a technical solution. Lowering prices may be not a good way to solve it, but VPN is not free, so less profit but with more headache shall reduce the number of such nodes.
The technical solution could be

To share an unused space and bandwidth on already online and paid hardware, where is literally any income is a pure profit and nice discount to existing bills. The whole idea is to do not do any investments in a first place. So, if you decided to invest - it’s your responsibility now.

Unfortunately it will not prevent from breaking /24 subnet limit, it’s likely reverse: you are paid more, if you store more. And since egress is not paid, there is no incentive to have a good upstream bandwidth, you technically would need only good downstream bandwidth to allow customers to fill your drives.
Combined with the customers desire to use a free egress it will end in conflict: they would not be able to use this free egress, because backing nodes will throttle the egress, so they could use our cloud as a cold backup only. Low revenue without a paid egress with high risk to lose data if we also implement your suggested lower redundancy.
Removing /24 subnet limit will make the situation even worse - now you will have several pieces of the same segment in the same physical location. So, if your hardware is off for any reason, the whole segment is in danger. Thus probability to lost files and then customers will become a much higher.

no, it doesn’t, more like it will be exploited even more often. We saw this in V2, so it likely will repeat.
Maybe I didn’t get it, how do you want to prevent placing more than a one piece of the same segment to the same physical location.
If we would use the current node selector - one node from /24 subnet, then this is exactly the limit which we have now.

Sure You can’t have it working, without answering to a question at the end in conclusion positively. i’m disappointed You replied to segments of my writings, where further in my text, things are explained, and comes together. Your answer does not take whole post into account together. It is a mish mash in Your answer, of option i mentioned, but out of contexts. Some things meant to work with others only, some could work without others, mentioned. Don’t mix them without context please. I stand only for what i write in the post before this, in that particular order as i wrote there. So won’t repeat too much here, because its all there. I will just add to clear this :

Yes first, lets say 1 apartment have 8 nodes in 1 computer. Every 8 node has its own VPN, or proxy, resulting in different IP, same apartment, same internet connection. If the SNO take off the VPNs, all nodes fallback to 1, original same home ip, right? That’s it.

You have to eliminate the reason, why SNO put those VPNs there in first place. He take VPN off, and he falls under 24 rule, BUT its not a problem anymore! That’s the point. STORJ knows, not to put more than 1 piece of 80 to that 8 nodes. And the nodes owner is fine with it. For node owner to be fine with it, what have to be done, is in my previous post. Just understand why the SNO does it at first place, and eliminate the need for that. Let me explain further please:

There is no such thing as majority of SNOs who runs, and i quote:

Sure it is nice, BUT i highly doubt, that this is the backbone of STORJ.
Because this is against logic, of incentivization: If You offer a payout for making a STORJ node, more people will just create a node from nothing, than use already working 24/7/365 computer, because most people interested in earning penny’s don’t have a 24/7/365 working computer, because it COSTS electricity, and they are clearly in need for money in first place if they are interested to host STORJ node like i was. Because who has a server in home running 24/7/365? Mayby later add something to that pc by the way, like home server for something, but that’s by the way of STORJ node.

i’m just saying You can’t rely building the network out of people who already have a server in the house, because who had it, before STORJ. We had miners with graphic cards, but not with HDDs. And now, You won’t put a computer 24/7/365 for STORj with 1 or 2 HDD to make economical sense. Because You will loose TIME, EFFORT and MONEY. You have to think things out, prepare, and invest in used HDDs at most, because most don’t have spare HDD’s to be destroyed for pennys, keeping in mind that they go to losses in 2-5 years. So You have to earn at least for the next ones. Just like i explained in post before this, You have to calculate how to do it, so You will be in profit, and NOT just destroy Your private HDD for some pennys in exchange. And back 3,2 or 1 year ago STORJ wasn’t so much pennys, i deeply regret i wasn’t been able to put 150TB in place from the beginning, i had to wait to sell some STORJ at $2,24 somewhere in NOV 2021, and had opportunity and time to buy used HDD’s cheap only in this year. I don’t neglect, i saw people got servers and added STORJ node later, sure, not a majority. Based on my understanding. You can do a mail poll, You can ask Your self, if SNOs started keeping a PC 24/7/365 because You called for action, and they wanted to earn, or else, just don’t expect honest answers, they will assume, You are cooking something against them for bypassing /24 rule :slight_smile:

Also very quick:
if You just would like to change 80/29 to 60/20 for default so STORJ stop losing money from now one and earn on storage (currently something about 20 000 usd to be earned monthly if implemented, then also the treshhold 56 need to be addjusted accordingly. Probbaly to something like 42. (30% like now, or more like 45). But thats woul be just an short term move. Much better is to reform whole system, mayby more or less like i mentioned.

Also it isn’t set in stone. CAN be twicked.
That’s why I’m publishing it here. to be discussed.
Don’t have to be 0 for egress, if STORJ inc. will have profit of $2,5/TB
You can show SNOs Your generosity and share some later.
But to have whats vital for me as a SNO, and for the network survival, $2,5 for storage,
I’d rather forgo the egress and repair payment if necessary.

it is either more or less this, or nodes decline to death with current pay rate.
You don’t really think You can expand, or even keep the network, paying nodes a $1,5/TB/mo storage? and $5/TB upload, but the upload is non existing?
With the same time, asking $7/TB egress from customers, where wholesale industry prices are close to $1-2?
(hetzner cloud up to 20TB free, later €1.19 per TB.)
Sure its aple to oranges, but customers compare price to price and that’s it.

All im asking is don’t wait till crisis, start preparing a reform now.