is there any endpoint in the node api i can pull for checking the online status?
is there any endpoint in the node api i can pull for checking the online status?
I know if you watch quicStatus from /api/sno and it says “OK”… then you’re for sure also Status=Online. But if it says “Misconfigured” then I’m not sure what you’d check next. If you find another place to query I’m interested too!
My quicStatus is misconfigured, i’m searching but nothing found so far
A good way to see if your online is to measure a 30 second gap in the disk utilisation, if there is a increase, on any satellite, you know it’s online
I believe the old command line dashboard utility used the time since “lastPinged” to see if it was online.
const contactWindow = time.Hour * 2
I don’t know what contactWindow evaluates to, but if this is a shell script it looks like lastPinged is easy to convert. Like:
date -d "2024-08-16T22:29:28.041650338Z" +'%s'
…will turn lastPinged into seconds, and:
date +'%s'
…will give you the current time in seconds. Then you can just subtract them and decide how large a discrepancy is OK to still be considered Online. Clever!
Just HTTP GET on your external storagenode port (28967).
"Statuses": null,
"Help": "To access Storagenode services, please use DRPC protocol!",
"AllHealthy": true