This is the second time it happens on the same router model in a few months, Asus AX 3000 v2 TUF gaming, but in different location.
The router suddenly blocks the traffic and the nodes go offline. Nodes are still working, they respond to Uptime Robot pings, so I don’t get any email from it with unresponsive ports.
I only get the Storj satellites emails with node offline that come after 4 hours, I think.
Logs say the usual:
ERROR contact:service ping satellite failed
I forgot to check router’s log before restarting it.
Only the router restart solves the problem, which is schedduled once/24h.
Anyone has any ideea of what’s the problem with this router?
If the router restart wouldn’t be scheduled and the email I provide to Storj would be fake, I wouldn’t have any means to be notified and solve this problem untill the node is DQ-ed.
So anyone providing fake email in storagenode config/run command, you better take note.
Uptime Robot dosen’t notify you about any node problem.
is it your router or provides router? if it not yours, may be they updated firmware remotely and this caused the problem? I know they do like that time to time.
Asus software is shit though, you may want to eventually replace it with something made by people who know what they are doing. Or see if third party firmware exists for your model, like OpenWRT.
It’s my router, their’s is put in bridge mode.
The DNS is on auto (ISP) and Cloudflare as backup.
The other location has internet from the same ISP.
Maybe it’s the ISP, the DNS or the router, don’t realy know.
The only thing that solves the problem is router restart. Mine, not the bridged one.
MerlinWRT it’s the open source one. Didn’t tried it. My logic is… Merlin is made by one man, which could die or stop updating the firmware.
Original Asus one is made by a company, which dosen’t depend on one man.
This IP is incorrect, this should be a public IP address.
Are you using something as to have a hostname with dynamic IP address?
Do you have this subnet configured on router’s LAN interface perhaps?
If yes, then the router is maybe pulling that LAN interface IP instead of the WAN interface, maybe when WAN leases a new IP?
What are the options you have when configuring this service?
I believe that IP is related to the bridged router…? It’s not my WAN IP and that port is not the port opened for Storj.
I have fix WAN ipv4 IP from ISP, it is not changing. I double checked before and after router restart; it was the same that I have in my config.
I have optic fiber that comes in ISPs router, which is in bridge mode, and after that is my router, which does the NAT, port forward, etc.
He has no settings under ‘BASIC CONFIG’, DHCP server on, no domain name and specifically no ‘IP POOL STARTING ADDRESS’ & no ending either. Likely router by default uses lowest private IP 10.x to distribute IPs. With a 24 hour lease period. You should chose your own subnet and range, also your own DNS servers, specifically in that set-up ^. Even go so far as to lock the DHCP IP to the MAC of your box, to assure any port forwarding needs a properly redirected.
I think Asus routers are the only one’s I’ve seen that have a built-in 24 hour reboot scheduler, you get to turn it off or chose the hour it happens; that’s flakey and laughable from the get-go.
It has a pool of local addresses; I edited the photos… paranoia, you know.
But that dosen’t matter, because the NAS, which runs the nodes, has fix local IP.
The NAS has the router as gateway and DNS, and Cloudflare as backup.
My local network runs in space, not So that address I believe is related to the bridge.
I have had the order infrequencly when my opnsense router “loses” it’s dhcp WAN address that it gets from the AT&T BGW320 box which is in their version of bridged mode.
Consider buying a real router, not ASUS toy. I also configured ISP’s modem (mandatory) in bridge mode, it passes internet raw and unfiltered into Ubiquity EdgeRouter I bought. Then everything gets firewalled and managed there. This router been working non stop for last couple of years, has seen uptime sessions of a year at a time or more, never malfunctioned. Get something like that. Or OpenWRT router.