Authentication handshake failed: tls peer certificate verification error: tlsopts error: peer ID did not match requested ID

`2019-07-17T05:32:04.622Z        DEBUG   kademlia:endpoint       connection to node failed       {"error": "node error: transport error: connection error: desc = \"transport: authentication handshake failed: tls peer certificate verification error: tlsopts error: peer ID did not match requested ID\"", "errorVerbose": "node error: transport error: connection error: desc = \"transport: authentication handshake failed: tls peer certificate verification error: tlsopts error: peer ID did not match requested ID\"\n\*Transport).DialNode:107\n\*Dialer).dialNode:175\n\*Dialer).PingNode:95\n\*Kademlia).Ping:253\n\*Endpoint).pingback:57\n\*Endpoint).Query:42\n\\n\\n\\n\*Server).processUnaryRPC:998\n\*Server).handleStream:1278\n\*Server).serveStreams.func1.1:717", "nodeID": "1nh2MhdP2CjJYwBNHLi4fr5R4UADVaimkjEky6PuQA5hKVa2nJ"}`

authentication handshake failed: tls peer certificate verification error: tlsopts error: peer ID did not match requested ID

Tons of messages like that. With debug log level.
Is it normal?

Looks like that, not closed properly connections, appears with an INVALID conntrack state in netfilter.

DEBUG errors are beyond the scope of this document as most aren’t logging in debug mode. Also, we just had a major update yesterday and a minor update today so some errors do crop up at those points.