Average disk space dropped after last upgrade

A couple of days ago both my nodes were updated to v1.121.2. Now they are both showing drastically reduced Average Disk Space:

They’re both fairly new nodes, but I don’t think that should factor into this.

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it’s just a display error on the node, payment is not affected


Can think of a post of almost 8 months ago or so. They will backfill the data at the end.
You would think such a bug in the UI would already be solved being like 8 versions further in the future :sweat_smile:

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Without the help from the Community I feel that it will never being fixed…

Which kind of help is needed?

What would be required to note this problem? I have seen this issue as something common on the forum. It isnt a rare occurrence.
i’m happy to provide more information.

Nothing. It’s a known limitation of the storagenode code. Since the range loop may finish out of the time window or do not finish at all (e.g. crashed), the satellites may send not full report about usage to the nodes or do not send it at all. The node’s code doesn’t consider that fact (because when it was implemented there was no such a problem, satellites managed much less data that time) and treats NULL as 0 and calculates an average including empty or not fully reported data points, thus you see gaps.

Prepare a pull request to solve this issue: