Bandwidth.db corrupt

I have Storj configured to use 7TB (I have 7.1TB available on the host). It looks like storj has however consumed all disk space and it caused my bandwidth.db to be corrupt
I moved all the db files to a different folder (after removing the bandwidth.db file) and tried to start the node - this created a new bunch of files and i overwrote them with the ones from earlier.

I did need to free up some space though, so I removed some stuff from the trash folder - storj starts now, but when i look at the interface it says its offline and has no stats, no version number, no history for payouts and basically shows no stats at all.

Looking at my logs, I think its attempting to upload stuff to the network still but im not sure how to fix the dashboard

When you copied the database back, did you restart the node? Haven’t done this myself so not sure of the behavior. However if it just started with a clean database it will take about a month to rebuild the stats, as I understand it.

yeah i stopped the node, made a folder and copied the database files, started the node so it re-created them, stopped it again and overwrote them (except for bandwidth.db)

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It needs time to update databases with an actual state.
Did it fix itself?

Nope, I also had to re-create the reputation database to get it to even show uptime/online stats - but as it stands i have no bandwidth history or payout history showing on the dashboard so im not entirely sure how to fix it
Overall seems to still be functioning though as i’ve not had offline notices and i can see traffic to/from my node

If your databases are ok (you may use to check it), then it should have at least the latest usage. In the next month it would start from a scratch though.

Thanks, that found two corrupted databases that I’ve “fixed”

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