Bandwidth limit exceeded even though I'd removed the limit

I’ve previously set one of my project’s egress limit to 100GB. Yesterday, storj dashboard showed that it’s reaching the limit (at 90GB) and I’ve removed the limit.
But today my public download links are showing bandwidth limit exceeded error. Also now the dashboard does not let me change the limit. The “Save” button changes to “Contact Support” when I typed a value beyond 100GB.

What is happening? Any Ideas?

Hello @nayanasri,

90 vs 100 GB might be the limits are hit but when the bandwidth settles it is less.

Please open a support ticket to have your limits reset as necessary Storj DCS


If you used a custom limits in the past, they might change the default project limits from your account default limits to the custom ones and now when you have specified them as No limit, it’s just means that the custom limits have been reset to the default project limits and now will be handled automatically as you go. However the usage check is happening once a day, so it would not be changed immediately. But you always can submit a support request to increase them manually.

Now the custom limits doesn’t change the default project limits, as was before, but would be still respected.


Thanks bre. Opened a support ticket. :slight_smile:

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I see. Thank you for the solution on support ticket. Best regards. :slight_smile:

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