thats funny because thats what the data has been saying for the last 14 days…
there was a max daily ingress which all nodes without limitation or issues would run into…
ofc it’s not a max in the sense of it being a set quantity, but as in nobody would be faster than that… even if they had multiple nodes, singular nodes, or super internet… all of the nodes would reach the exact same peak within 1% or a few % each day…
the data is pretty clear about that…
July 3rd
dragonhogan - ingress 17.75 - egress 19,58 = 1,89 ‰ of stored 10,31 TB
Mark - ingress 18.17 - egress 3,14 = unknown
SGC - ingress 17.40 - egress 19,34 = 1,77 ‰ of stored 10,9 TB
striker43 - ingress 25,2 - egress 36,93 = 3,62 ‰ of stored 10,2 TB
(had to extrapolate here so striker numbers are highly inaccurate)
4th July
Mark - ingress 57,97 - egress 3,14 = ‰ of stored
SGC - ingress 55,32 - egress 23,58 = 2,16 ‰ of stored 10,9 TB - (still with stability issues)
kevink - ingress 48.05 - egress 9,73 = 2.86 ‰ of stored - 3,4 TB approx
(seems slightly off, but have been changing/tinker numbers of nodes)
striker43 - ingress 57,75 (i will assume mark and striker are the two accurate numbers here)
dragonhogan - ingress 57,03 - egress 22,63 = 2,20 ‰ of stored 10,31 TB approx
July 5th
striker43 - ingress 105,81
SGC - ingress 104,20 - egress 32,39 = 2,97 ‰ of stored 10,9 TB
Kevink - ingress 106,07 - egress 17,61 = 5,18 ‰ of stored 3,4 TB approx
Krystof - ingress 106,15 - egress 38,24 = 3,55 ‰ of stored 11,85 TB
dragonhogan - ingress 101,62 - egress 34,74 = 3,37 ‰ of stored 10,31 TB approx
the mighty geek - ingress 105,45 - egress 6,27 = 5,22 ‰ of stored 1,2 TB
6th july
striker43 - ingress 112,83 - (missing egress)
dragonhogan - ingress 108,38 - egress 34,33 = 3,32 ‰ of stored 10,31 TB
TheMightyGeek - ingress 113,09 - egress 6,87 = 5,72 ‰ of stored 1,2
SCG - ingress 108,71 - egress 32,64 = 2,93 ‰ of stored 11,11TB
zagg - ingress 108,77 - egress 6,52 = 4,93 ‰ of stored 1,32 TB
7th july
TheMightyGeek - ingress 109,30 - egress 6,06 = 5.0 ‰ of stored - 1,3 TB
SGC - ingress 109,96 - egress 29,61 = 2.6 ‰ of stored - 11,21 TB
kevink - ingress 109,60 - egress 15,69 = 4.6 ‰ of stored - 3.4 TB approx
dragonhogan - ingress 104,21 - egress 29,11 = 2,8 ‰ of stored - 10,31TB
striker43 - ingress 109,76 - egress 25,58 = 2.5 ‰ of stored - 10,2TB
July 8th
TheMightyGeek - ingress 113,82 - egress 7,13 = 5.50 ‰ of stored 1,4 TB
SGC - ingress 114,14 - egress 36,49 = 3.20 ‰ of stored 11,33 TB
Dragonhogan - ingress 108,71 - egress 41,79 = 4,03 ‰ of stored 10,35 TB
striker43 - ingress 114,25 - egress 36,31 = 3,52 ‰ of stored 10,31 TB
9 July
Dragonhogan - ingress 98,57 - egress 67,20 = 6,41 ‰ of stored 10,48 TB
SGC - ingress 103,8 - egress 42,75 = 3.75 ‰ of stored 11,39 TB
TheMightyGeek - ingress 102,65 - egress 7,13 = 6,89 ‰ of stored 1,49 TB
kevink - ingress 102,73 - egress 45,78 = 12,71 ‰ of stored 3,60 TB
(exceeded 1% congratz - i kinda feel a bit left out egress wise lol)
JoshGarza - data inconclusive
10 july
Dragonhogan - ingress 107,53 - egress 67,20 = 6,75 ‰ of stored 10,47 TB
TheMightyGeek - ingress 105,78 - egress 7,13 = 6,81 ‰ of stored 1,6 TB
kevink - ingress 109,26 - egress 47,75 = 12,76 ‰ of stored 3,74 TB
SGC - ingress 109,89 - egress 47,02 = 4,07 ‰ of stored 11,54 TB
11 July
SGC - ingress 118,39 - egress 59,78 = 5,13 ‰ of stored 11,64 TB
TheMightyGeek - ingress 117,14 - egress 11,09 = 6,41 ‰ of stored 1,73 TB
kevink - ingress 117,66 - egress 44,19 = 11,5 ‰ of stored 3,84 TB
dragonhogan - ingress 115,75 - egress 73,64 = 6,97 ‰ of stored 10,56 TB
12 july
SGC - ingress 114,58 - egress 71,56 = 6,09 ‰ of stored 11,75 TB
TheMightyGeek - ingress 113,97 - egress 11,2 = 6,15 ‰ of stored 1,82 TB
kevink - ingress 113,68 - egress 37,18 = 9,40 ‰ of stored 3,95 TB
dragonhogan - ingress 111,00 - egress 68,49 = 6,41 ‰ of stored 10,68 TB