Bandwidth utilization comparison thread

still going here…

and yes i did have to include my smooth memory utilization chart… just so people can see that it’s not always it jumps around…

seems to have something to do with uptime / storagenode activity changes / filewalker or something
and if i do turn down the memory max, then it will still run… not sure if it affects it, but has some nodes that are slowly getting to the level where i could do testing on them to compare behaviors of such things.

do one with like 200mb or less ram and one with more than it can use :smiley:
or something… just to really make as wide a gap as possible.
see what it does on behavior

yep, saw the exact same thing:

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I am getting deleted. I can tell because my full nodes are getting ingress


Oh we all hope you are not indeed getting deleted. Hang in there!

On a brighter note, noticeable delete activity for past several hours.

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yeah bright and somebody else was talking about massive deletes the other day…

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I’m going on a solid 24hrs of deletes from US Central. I’ve had something like >50GB be deleted so far across two nodes.


Yeah me too, ~50GB deleted on 3 nodes.

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The ironic bit is that the newest node (started early this month) only saw one big pop of about half a gig being deleted from US2 and then nothing since. This kinda leads me to believe this is some 2020 or older data being cleaned up by a client (would need to be a massive client, for sure).


my main has been going backwards in growth these last few days… so pretty sure i’m also seeing all the deletes haven’t checked tho.

deletes are to be expected, to be fair i’m surprised there isn’t more of it yet…


Yep seeing it too. Been going for about 1.5 days now

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Yours is a bit worse than mine due to more nodes:

And I guess its two SAT’s now crushing:


I have same experience. It makes me a sad Panda :panda_face:

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Same here :wink:
20 characters.

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OMG same here. I was concerned about it quite a lot

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back down to 14.75 from 14.8
thus far…

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What interface are you using here? Especially in the bottom pic?
Also, do you run them all on different IPs or the same?
→ From what I am reading here it seems that there are just too many nodes in Europe or too little data to fill them. All the US peps are getting so much more in comparison. If i have a look at Disk Space Usage graph its not really going anywhere :frowning: diskspaceusage

ingress is equally distributed, ofc location might have a little effect, but it’s a distributed network… it will not like to centralize the data.

Some one is uploading something the rate for today is about 10GB ingress per node so far and might hit 15GB ish. And i am in Europe.


yeah but the deletes eat almost all of that ingress :smiley:

Delete is in most cases just useless stuff no one ever downloads, so that should free up space for something people will download.