We received notice from the Bilaxy exchange over the weekend that their hot wallet was hacked. This exchange also had STORJ token listed, and all STORJ funds they had stored in their hot wallet on behalf of their customers were stolen by the hacker.
In the event that any of our community members had funds on this exchange, please direct any claims to recover funds directly to Bilaxy exchange support. Storj Labs unfortunately is unable to assist with recovering accounts held on exchanges such as Bilaxy, so please do not file support tickets on our help desk, as we won´t be able to help with this issue. Thanks for your understanding.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that using Exchanges to store your STORJ tokens for any longer than it takes to post a trade, and using Exchange deposit addresses as payout address for your node comes with risks, as shown in the case above. Exchanges may get hacked at any time or shut down unexpectedly.