I had the same issue when enabling dedicated disk on my nodes. Stupid as I was I did it on all 22 nodes the same time thinking this was a stable feature. I set it back to how it was and everything got back to normal. I thought it was the combination of features I used that caused the issue.
What happens is that every field on the interface goes to some kind of default and saying node is offline, not even nodeid is displayed, total disk space is 1B and so on. Its like the interface gets no input data at all from the node and defaults to whatever the devlopers has set as default.
BUT, wait a while and suddenly all fields go back to normal. During this timeperiod before the interface goes back to normal it’s very high disk i/o.
BUT2, it don’t stop where, now you are happy thinking it was something just the first time you started the node with the new feature, wrong, if you hit refresh everything blacks out again, very high disk i/o for a while and back to normal after a while. The time to get back to normal is about the same as when it runs piece scan at startup. Hitting refresh again, same thing …
This is my docker settings at startup that is working (the config.yaml file is default untouched):
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300 --network host
-e WALLET=“xx”
-e EMAIL=“xx”
-e ADDRESS=“xx:28970”
–mount type=bind,source=/volume2/identity,destination=/app/identity
–mount type=bind,source=/volume1/storj,destination=/app/config
–mount type=bind,source=/volume2/storjdb,destination=/app/dbs
–mount type=bind,source=/volume2/filestatcache,destination=/app/config/storage/filestatcache
–name storagenode storjlabs/storagenode:latest
This the startup with dedicated disc:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300 --network host
-e WALLET=“xx”
-e EMAIL=“xx”
-e ADDRESS=“xx:28970”
–mount type=bind,source=/volume2/identity,destination=/app/identity
–mount type=bind,source=/volume1/storj,destination=/app/config
–mount type=bind,source=/volume2/storjdb,destination=/app/dbs
–mount type=bind,source=/volume2/filestatcache,destination=/app/config/storage/filestatcache
–name storagenode storjlabs/storagenode:latest
I’ve had dedicated disks from the beginning so I thought it would be good to turn on the feature now when it’s available but I skip that for now. All nodes was at the 1.117.xx (don’t remember the number but it was updated automatic to that release).