1.Industry Domain: Which Industry domain is this use case pertaining to?
2.Problem Statement: <Detailed description min., half a page>
3.How is blockchain solving the problem: <detailed description min., half a page >
4.High Level Design or Flowchart with explanation:
5.references to real world industry use cases
6.Timeline: How long has this solution been active
7.Blockchain Platform (Permissioned/Permissionless) - Details about whether this is public blockchain project or enterprise blockchain.
8.Details about which particular blockchain solution or protocol is being used.
9.Organization(s) involved: Which organizations are involved in this use case
10.Country: Which country is this being implemented in (if it is a P2P solution, please enter details of
11.Other Details (if any):
12.References: Pls. provide publications & links which were used to research on this use case
(Use case- decentralized storage
Real world example - storj)
Please help me with all the questions above.
I need a brief answers for all the questions please
Professionals reply professionally even if the questions seem annoying.
We students just wannawant to know how Pprofessionals reply to the question. AndOur use case was decentraliszed insurance(Etherrisc) and not decentralized storage . But the questions were the same, only the use case was different. Just need aan idea of how it goes.
Industry Domain: Which Industry domain is this use case pertaining to?
Theme parks
Problem Statement: <Detailed description min., half a page>
Rides in theme parks generate a lot of telemetric data and other statistics which need to be stored and analyzed. This data includes rider counts, breakdowns and on-ride accelerometer data and much more. Daily amounts of data exceed hundreds of GB. We need an affordable and fast way to store this data. As this data is considered confidential work product that is of high interest to our competitors, it is vital that this data is stored securely.
How is blockchain solving the problem: <detailed description min., half a page >
Our rides use chains everywhere, from automated launch systems, to lift hills and much more. Lift hills also function as block zone. So essentially they operate with a blockchain.
Matterhorn Bobsleds at Disneyland in Anaheim opened in June 14, 1959 as the first rollercoaster with a computerized block system and chain lift. It can be considered as the first amusement park blockchain implementation.
Blockchain Platform (Permissioned/Permissionless) - Details about whether this is public blockchain project or enterprise blockchain.
Obviously enterprise owned, but open to the public.
Details about which particular blockchain solution or protocol is being used.
The blockchain utilizes a cable that is attached to a catch car that moves up and down the lift hill in a separate channel between the track rails. On several coasters the catch car rolls into the station and latches to the front cars of the train to carry it up the lift hill. This requires the lift hill to be positioned directly in front of the station
Organization(s) involved: Which organizations are involved in this use case
Country: Which country is this being implemented in (if it is a P2P solution, please enter details of creators)
Implemented on global scale
Other Details (if any):
Don’t you think this is already more effort than I should have spent on a joke answer? Don’t ask others to do your homework for you.
References: Pls. provide publications & links which were used to research on this use case
This reminds me of a project I did with a team of 4 interns including me. It gave me severe migraine from what we were asked to achieve. When everything was said and done we ended up with a prototype which we thought was wonderful … obviously. Boss had issues executing it so we gave the usual dev response “It worked perfectly on my computer at home”.
PS: We weren’t paid because we were interns. It was a good learning experience though.
Please read this explanation about using blockchains for the decentralized storage:
We do not use blockchain to store data. Using blockchain to store any significant amount of data would be a total failure.
We uses blockchain technologies in our products - hashing, encrypting, consensus and uses blockchain for payments (this is the most useful application for almost every blockchain).
Decentralized != blockchain.
I’m sorry, but you have been extremely rude and inconsiderate. Without any introduction whatsoever, you’ve just pasted what is clearly an essay assignment word for word in the hope that someone would do your homework for you.
Despite that, helpful people have offered you links with information, which you clearly haven’t read. And I can’t be sure, but it seems like my obvious joke response went completely over your head, despite me referring to it as a joke response in the post itself.
And now you’re repeating yourself 3 times to what? Get everyone’s attention?
Can you please just be honest? Tell us who you are, why you are here and why you are asking these questions. If I have misinterpreted your intentions, please let me know. But in the mean time, this is a great community with awesome people as well as amazing community managers. We’ll gladly help you out if you’re interested to know more and answer any questions you may have. But please do not waste our time if you have no real interest in Storj. We’re not here to do your homework for you.
You also have to know whenever a reply is posted to your topic (thread) everyone who participated in that thread gets a notification. You do not need to tag everyone or reply to everyone to get their attention. If they feel like responding they will else you will have to give it more time or ask your BFF Google.