Can not delete empty bucket again and again

Can not delete empty bucket again. I have the feeling this issue is hunting me due to I have it again and again.

I am using gateway gateway:94113ad-v1.2.0-go1.15.7
Filezilla 3.54.1

I tried it via Filezilla, WebInterface and S3 API. Nothing works.

Force option also not work

Uplink rb --force will work :wink:

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You need to also list your pending multipart uploads. Those likely have not been deleted yet. And do not show up with a standard ls.

How to do this ???

20 character

aws s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket s3://test --endpoint=

But if you just want to remove it, using uplink like @littleskunk mentioned is much easier. Is there any reason you are using the aws cli tool instead of connecting directly with uplink?

the command does not work

Is there any reason you are using the aws cli tool instead of connecting directly with uplink?

Yes I am using a central gateway on my homwserver

You didn’t include --bucket in front of the bucket name.

Does also not work

Yeah, s3:// is excess in the aws s3api, they accept only the bucket name in the command with option --bucket

aws s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket test --endpoint=
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Ok however there is nothing. the bucket is empty.
Please fix the bug. I think it is present sind 1 year

The bucket is empty. Is is also not possible to delete this bucket via Web

The aws CLI forcibly delete a bucket by deleting every file in the bucket, then the bucket itself.
It cannot delete a whole bucket at once by design.

The Objects browser cannot delete non-empty buckets too.

If you uploaded anything with a different encryption phrase and this phrase is lost, these objects would not be shown in the bucket with a different encryption phrase.

In such a case you can list and remove these files only with uplink and --encrypted flag, or you can remove a whole bucket with uplink rb --force sj://test command (it deletes a bucket at once, not the object by object like aws CLI).

So, please, if you do not have uplink yet, or uplink ls doesn’t work anymore (“access denied”):

  1. Create an access grant
  2. Setup uplink with that access grant, if you already have a default access in the uplink, you can either use --overwrite flag to overwrite the default access or import a new access grant as a named access (specify the name for the access with --access <name> option).

Now you can list buckets

uplink ls

and objects in that particular bucket

uplink ls --recursive sj://test

If the output is empty, then you definitely have used a different encryption phrase when uploaded objects to there. You can check this:

uplink ls --encrypted sj://test

Then delete encrypted objects one by one:

uplink rm --encrypted sj://test/An1LhSLauz-ROF8oLgLV1UrafXZVUm3HEtU8irR8il4oFI9Xqzc=

Or delete a whole bucket:

uplink rb --force sj://test

Yes I think this is the root cause of my problem. I deleted the bucket with. Uplink thanks for help

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