Can not delete empty bucket again and again

The aws CLI forcibly delete a bucket by deleting every file in the bucket, then the bucket itself.
It cannot delete a whole bucket at once by design.

The Objects browser cannot delete non-empty buckets too.

If you uploaded anything with a different encryption phrase and this phrase is lost, these objects would not be shown in the bucket with a different encryption phrase.

In such a case you can list and remove these files only with uplink and --encrypted flag, or you can remove a whole bucket with uplink rb --force sj://test command (it deletes a bucket at once, not the object by object like aws CLI).

So, please, if you do not have uplink yet, or uplink ls doesn’t work anymore (“access denied”):

  1. Create an access grant
  2. Setup uplink with that access grant, if you already have a default access in the uplink, you can either use --overwrite flag to overwrite the default access or import a new access grant as a named access (specify the name for the access with --access <name> option).

Now you can list buckets

uplink ls

and objects in that particular bucket

uplink ls --recursive sj://test

If the output is empty, then you definitely have used a different encryption phrase when uploaded objects to there. You can check this:

uplink ls --encrypted sj://test

Then delete encrypted objects one by one:

uplink rm --encrypted sj://test/An1LhSLauz-ROF8oLgLV1UrafXZVUm3HEtU8irR8il4oFI9Xqzc=

Or delete a whole bucket:

uplink rb --force sj://test