Can someone please help with what i believe is a firewall issue

Please help I’ve spent more hours on this than i care to admit. I’ve got 2 windows nodes but I’ve had an issue with my Asus AC3200 router. I’ve reset the router but before that I saved the config file. I’ve reset router then reloaded config file. All’s good and router seems more snappier. But when it comes to my nodes i cant seem to get one back online. the first pc is running on and the port in the yaml is showing 28967, on the router its showing external port 28967 to internal port 28967 and all’s running well. Second pc is on ip with external port 28968 to internal port 28967 like it was set up before and yaml showing port 28967. but no matter what i do node shows offline. sometimes it shows online but quic misconfigured but firewall rules are exactly the same on both pc’s. yet one works the other doesn’t. I know i’ve missed something but i just cant see it.

Have you had a look at the logs on the node of the “problem machine”? Any hints there?

does you pc have Static ip or router give it by dhcp? may be pc ip have changed?
also does you external ip is static? may it is also changed for some reason?

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Both of your yamls are showing 28967? It’s not going to work. You need one of them on a different port (and associated external:internal forwards).

It can work on a separate machine (which it is) so long as the outside ports are not the same on the router (which they’re not)

If both are showing the same contact.external-address, then no, it’s not going to work. You are telling clients/satellites to contact you on ip:port X.X.X.X:Y for both machines.


Ah, yes, I see what you mean. I thought he meant server.address
Would be good to know if these nodes are running on docker and if so what the run parameters are.


Thanks for the replies. When woke up this morning I realised I’d changed the public port on the second machines yaml. I’ve now got it working although i have had another random restart on the router. I think it may be time for a new one.

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