Can we delete old docker images? +automatation

I have been running a node for a while and today i just saw a list with old docker images:

docker images -a
REPOSITORY                           TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
storjlabs/storagenode                latest    f1c657305336   2 weeks ago     37.3MB
storjlabs/storagenode                <none>    a45bebbc7f66   4 weeks ago     37.2MB
storjlabs/storagenode                <none>    18c38db80666   6 weeks ago     37.2MB
storjlabs/storagenode                <none>    904d137b4958   2 months ago    37.2MB
storjlabs/storagenode                <none>    aba9d73a5197   2 months ago    37.2MB

Will it cause a problem if i delete the old ones?

Also, is there any way to automate deleting the old images when downloading a new one?


When I still had nodes, there were no problems after executing the linux terminal command:

docker image prune

If you are using the watchtower - also adding


at the end of the start watchtower command did not cause any problems as it removed the previous image

I still use these commands for my other containers with no errors