Can't copy specific files

You need to import the access grant or setup it with an API key.
Seems you trying to use uplink setup, then you need not the access grant but API key

Okay thank you! Now with uplink ls --pending I have no fileCapture d’écran 2021-11-15 184718

You need to specify the bucket name, like

uplink ls --pending sj://octana

By the way is the

sudo rclone copy -v /home/octana/network/redis/redis-copy.conf octana-save:octana/2021_11_15/network/redis/redis.conf


Yes working, same with redis.conf, I don’t understand why but work xd Thank you!
ps: also work with mongodb files db (does not work with redis.conf)

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You are welcome! More like that original file is used by something and the s3 implementation in rclone cannot access it.

It would be interesting to check the original file with the rclone native integration.

Thank you! I can see the files that can’t be copied if I have? I use crontab for task ^^

You can do several things:

  1. If you use some kind of script than you can fail the job if some error returned: Documentation
  2. You probably need to enable logs to see what’s wrong: Documentation

Perhaps you could not have problems, if the file were not used. But it depends on how you run your load (the main task) and what’s the filesystem is being used (some FS allows to make snapshots before backup or even backup the whole snapshot, some Volume Managers can do the same, like LVM2), in some cases if you could copy the files before the sync - this can be option too.
You also can use a specialized backup systems like Duplicati or restic, they can work better (they do backup only of the difference).
Duplicati can work as a docker container and have a nice UI, it also has schedules and extensive logging system.

Also rclone sync maybe a better option for your rclone task.

Thank you very much! ^^

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