Can't find my payout in any blockchain, i opt-in for polygon payment

Hi there

I need some help for searching my january payment.

I’ve opted-in for polygon and have around 20$, the amount isn’t showed as not distributed and i cant find it in any block explorer

Around day 2 february i changed my address from binance storj to a metamask polygon, any of this 2 address show any storj tx in february

Can i have some help please?

Polygon payment uses the same address as Ethernet Mainnet.

  • Step 1: Add Polygon Network to Metamask

If you are using Metamask, you need to add the Polygon network to Metamask.

Adding Polygon to Metamask can easily be accomplished by heading over to Polyscan and scrolling down to the bottom of the main page. There’s an “Add Polygon Network” button.


If you’ve already added Polygon to Metamask, you’ll need to make sure that you’ve selected the correct network in Metamask.

  • Step 2: Switch to Polygon Network in Metamask

Once you’re on Polygon in Metamask, you’ll need to add STORJ to Metamask in order to see the tokens in you wallet. Or you can simply check your tokens directly on polyscan.

You can easily see all your tokens on polyscan, the same way you can see them on etherscan.

Click the little box next to your address value, per screenshot below:


Then your payout likely would be sent in the next payout cycle (first two weeks of every month). When you change your wallet configuration, it’s accounted for the nearest payout. You have changed the wallet options when the payout cycle was ongoing, unlikely this change could be applied to the ongoing process.
You can easily check that on your dashboard - if you see undistributed payout on your dashboard, then it’s unlikely were sent. If your undistributed payout is zero, then check the payout history - it should contain the TX (perhaps for Polygon it’s broken in the current version).

The transaction is hidden on the payout information page under payment history pick a satellite and there should be a transaction link.
We used to get a separate payment from each satellite but now 1 payment per wallet

I opted for Polygon, and my dashboard shows $0.00 Undistributed. So, the dashboard indicator seems to work if Polygon was selected.

I mean the TX link in the Payout History under any satellite (you need to expand it)

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I actually haven’t explored the node http interface for a long long time…

At this point, I generally just watch the blockchain with some weekly check-ins on the front page node http…

Is this the screen you’re referring to?

If so… my payouts are all up to date, including my latest Polygon payouts.

Yes, please, expand any of the satellites - you should see a dropdown calculations and the TX below.
However, if you did not restart your service/container recently the TX will not appear, see

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Thank you.

I guess I’ll need to restart my container… However, I suspect OP’s payment issue is probably related to your first point about the change of preferences so late in the cycle. It’s likely OP’s payment wasn’t disbursed because it was an L1 payment, rather than a Polygon or other L2 payment.

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