Change access link public

Hello, how can I make access to this link public please ?

Hello @Zyker,

  1. Using linkshare: Explaining the Linksharing Service - Storj Docs
  2. Using presigned URLs: Storj Data Access Methods - Storj Docs

You may also setup a reverse proxy for mounted bucket and serve this object on your server or use a reverse proxy with Self-hosted S3-compatible Gateway in web-server mode.
The other way is to configure your own domain to host a static website: Hosting a Static Website - Storj Docs

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I don’t understand what exactly to do, can you tell me exactly what to do please?

  1. Create an access grant using the same encryption phrase used when you created S3 credentials
  2. Setup uplink CLI
  3. Execute
uplink share --url --not-after=+2h sj://uploads/main/06b762c99314d18854fc99aa68b58a83.png

You will get a public URL for exactly this object, it will expire after 2 hours. If you specify --not-after=none, it will never expire.

But I guess you have some kind of CMS and you have a lot of objects like this. If so, you need to setup a static web site and use your own domain instead of for such objects in the configuration of your site.
You may also skip the static web site setup and generate a public URL for the prefix

uplink share --url --not-after=+1h sj://uploads/main/

replace /s/ to /raw/ in the generated URL and use it instead of in every link on your site.

If you develop an own site or mobile app you may also use presigned URLs:

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You can also make the bucket public, which would make any content in the bucket accessible. See Creating Public Buckets and Embedding Content - Storj Docs

i already did what you told me i have this it doesn’t work

uplink share sj://website/ --readonly=false
Sharing access to satellite
=========== ACCESS RESTRICTIONS ==========================================================
Download : Allowed
Upload : Allowed
Lists : Allowed
Deletes : Allowed
NotBefore : No restriction
NotAfter : No restriction
MaxObjectTTL : Not set
Paths : sj://website/ (entire bucket)
Access : 19T3cUq1QiP6bazRTxQkv3QT3UjcNS3paRwmKaF5aTeJttQEtipgrp41Ev5VFhb68kCZWB8yQu6EeGeL2HrAwpPMCRw79gEwebP98WZdfyE2XoBaG8DefUkVPmBLuP9YETheRierhhQmwzGhCw38Jyfn257iyba6ciTT6BiCRBhSA37UVhof77ULX6LQePewdVW1Vb7awkQq7B9UKfLYqEpsmM8p2qzsQkYeFdxZBZWAT3qR38L4yWSs4VtEEnueHekuW6KSmye4E6DhCD8bQ2etsbQE7tNZvGuxRyY4YJ3djUEPGF2yUKJNzxMAmFAbEb8zDG1eSW

You missed --url flag to generate an URL.
If you want to use a serialized access grant directly, then you need to combine it to the URL:<serialized-access-grant>/<bucket>[/<prefix>]/<object>

to have a raw link, you need to replace /s/ to /raw/.
I would suggest to register the read-only access grant on Gateway-MT either adding --url or --register --public to your uplink share command and use the generated Access Key in your URL (it will be shorter and doesn’t allow to get an underlaying access grant directly), this way it would be safer to publish such a URL publicly.

P.S. It’s very unsafe to publish your access grant, especially with --read-only=false permissions - anyone can start to abuse your account, I would suggest to revoke a published unrestricted access grant: Revoke an Access to an Object - Storj Docs or delete a root access grant from the satellite UI: Generating and Managing Access Grants - Storj Docs if that happen.
If you accepting the risk of usage of the access grant on your public site, it’s better to put restrictions on it, at least removing Upload and Delete permissions. To use such permissions on backend you may generate a separate access grant, but it shouldn’t be publicly available.