Change access link public

  1. Create an access grant using the same encryption phrase used when you created S3 credentials
  2. Setup uplink CLI
  3. Execute
uplink share --url --not-after=+2h sj://uploads/main/06b762c99314d18854fc99aa68b58a83.png

You will get a public URL for exactly this object, it will expire after 2 hours. If you specify --not-after=none, it will never expire.

But I guess you have some kind of CMS and you have a lot of objects like this. If so, you need to setup a static web site and use your own domain instead of for such objects in the configuration of your site.
You may also skip the static web site setup and generate a public URL for the prefix

uplink share --url --not-after=+1h sj://uploads/main/

replace /s/ to /raw/ in the generated URL and use it instead of in every link on your site.

If you develop an own site or mobile app you may also use presigned URLs:

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