Changed my mind about running a node and then changed it again

so, after some years i wanted to close my storj node ( did the exit thingy ) and use the harddrives for something else, but i changed my mind and now i want to run the node again, how do i do that easily?

the harddrives are still running and when i open the dashboard it stills shows me the server but only 50gb are used now for over a month, must i type in some script to reactivate it?

Hello @Pascoolism,
Welcome back!

You can use the same guide as before:

rly? i have to create an identity again? idk, i still can see a dashboard and everything, looks like i still have an identity

If you have started a graceful exit then the process is irrevocable and you’ll need to create a new node from scratch, yes.

Turns out this is probably not a bad time for that to happen as there is a ton of test data being pushed into the network so your new node will start getting data and being vetted a lot quicker than in “the old days”.

Good luck! :slight_smile:


If the node is not finished the GE yet, you may file a support ticket to reset the GE:

It’s a manual process, which requires to modify your local databases and reset a GE on the satellite.
However, if the process of GE is finished, then this identity will be unable to join back, it will be disabled. So you would need to generate a new identity as in the beginning.

I thought this was only an option in exceptional circumstances?

It is. Because it requires a manual interventions to the node’s databases and to the satellite databases.