Changelog v0.16.1

If you have any questions you are welcome to ask them here :slight_smile:


How about SNO board? :slightly_smiling_face:

Soon :tm:
You can take a look on a roadmap.

I little bit confused, see that is implemented…

Or this sprint is not finished?

Release 32 (v0.16.0)
Jul 31, 2019

In development

Looks like :slight_smile:

Now it understood “Soon :tm:


Basic agile stuff. Work is divided into stories grouped under an epic. Just because work is done on an epic in a sprint doesn’t mean that epic ships in its entirety by the end of that sprint. As long as you see SNOBoard mentioned on future sprints you can assume it will not ship.

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Thanks! @BrightSilence
I completely understand agile and other methodologies, I’m just looking forward to the SNO bord finally appearing in the release. I was on townholl and saw it :wink:
Will waiting :slight_smile:

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