Changelog v0.33.4

Automatic update completed but now I notice some of this error in the log, all from the same satellite

2020-02-19T20:55:04.897Z        ERROR   piecestore      delete failed   {"Satellite ID": "12EayRS2V1kEsWESU9QMRseFhdxYxKicsiFmxrsLZHeLUtdps3S", "Piece ID": "PBDSJXA3QJ2T5HUPGXA4LJXZYAG2FA5UXOL3YCAKMXA5JL5XCSGQ", "error": "pieces error: context canceled; v0pieceinfodb error: context canceled", "errorVerbose": "pieces error: context canceled; v0pieceinfodb error: context canceled\n\*Store).Delete:289\n\*Endpoint).DeletePieces:188\n\\n\*Server).doHandle:199\n\*Server).HandleRPC:173\n\*Server).ServeOne:124\n\*Server).Serve.func2:161\n\*Tracker).track:51"}
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Your node failed to delete a file before the timeout hence its a delete failed. Its perfectly fine though. Garbage collector will pick them up eventually.

My windows node has still not auto-updated, should I be manually updating it or just leave the updater to do it for me?

Please, give me result of the command (Powershell):

Get-Service storagenode* 

Status Name DisplayName

Running storagenode Storj V3 Storage Node
Running storagenode-upd… Storj V3 Storage Node Updater

Then it should update itself. Please, do not update it manually


It doesn’t, in fact it’s worse. My Pi node had almost 95% upload failure rate (reported) in successrate, but I can still see in my logs that “failed to upload” pieces were then deleted less than a minute later.

The 100% cursor was deployed yesterday.

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cursor ???..

The setting to what % of nodes would get the update on the next version check. Everyone should get the new version on the next update now.