Changelog v1.29.3

You can activate email notification


Try using the upstream containrrr/watchtower with a 24 hour interval (using the -i option). I’ve been using this for a couple years without any issues.

Which will come a week too early for Docker users.

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Funny enough, I also have a Synology that with every update, it deletes the container but it won’t autoupdate.
I have to manually run the whole command again :thinking:

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So now you complain about getting the changeset communicated to early?

Yes, indeed. Notifications that are not actionable are not very useful. Besides, I’m not talking about notifications of new releases, but of a policy change.

I hope there is at least one person at Storj that understands the issue.

Well the primary goal of the changelog is to inform of upcoming changes, so earlier is better imo. I think what you’re looking for is being notified when the docker image is updated. You can use other tools for that if you want. Maybe have a look at this? GitHub - crazy-max/diun: Receive notifications when an image is updated on a Docker registry


That’s also what I use to get a notification about updates for all my other containers.

A post was split to a new topic: Ping satellite error: context canceled

Yes, but they don’t break backwards compatibility either.