Clock error on frenass

Hi, new here. I’m trying to install storj in frenass/trunass jail.
but getting clock error.
The clock seems right though?

2021-05-05T19:05:37.976+0100    INFO    operator/operator.go:56 Operator wallet {"Address": "0x1Ea6C5981C1Dd6090d7A0D1c099B17b47B27affB"}
2021-05-05T19:05:38.578+0100    INFO    db.migration    migrate/versions.go:218 Database Version        {"version": 51}
2021-05-05T19:05:38.631+0100    INFO    preflight:localtime     preflight/localtime.go:54       start checking local system clock with trusted satellites' system clock.
2021-05-05T19:05:38.631+0100    ERROR   storagenode/peer.go:838 Failed preflight check. {"error": "system clock is out of sync: system clock is out of sync with all trusted satellites", "errorVerbose": "system clock is out of sync: system clock is out of sync with all trusted satellites\n\*LocalTime).Check:96\n\*Peer).Run:837\n\tmain.cmdRun:218\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:852\n\*Command).ExecuteC:960\n\*Command).Execute:897\n\\n\\n\tmain.main:385\n\truntime.main:225"}*Peer).Run
Error: system clock is out of sync: system clock is out of sync with all trusted satellite

This was the message I got
Anyone help me?

Hello @Chelle ,
Welcome to the forum!

What is the first error after start?

It doesn’t really start, it’s the result of what I get in ssh terminal after I do ‘storagenode run’
The first few lines are:
Yes I realise it’s not got an e-mail in config, but that’s optional I gather.

2021-05-05T19:05:37.961+0100    INFO    process/exec_conf.go:284        
Configuration loaded    {"Location": "/home/storj/.local/share/storj/storagenode/config.yaml"}
2021-05-05T19:05:37.976+0100    WARN    operator/operator.go:40 Operator 
email address isn't specified.

Do you think everything installed properly ?

I run storagenodes inside truenas jails - is your server syncing it’s time correctly?
On your truenas server try checking it’s time offset with something like
root@freenas:~ # ntpdate -d and checking ntpd with
root@freenas:~ # ntpq -p

I 've no idea if this is good or not?

server, port 123
stratum 1, precision -20, leap 00, trust 000
refid [GOOG], root delay 0.000000, root dispersion 0.000107
reference time:      e43d831e.82dc1e96  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:30.511
originate timestamp: e43d831e.82dc1e99  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:30.511
transmit timestamp:  e43d831e.813e56d3  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:30.504
filter delay:  0.04906    0.04872    0.04926    0.04831
           ----       ----       ----       ----
filter offset: -0.004946  -0.005065  -0.004752  -0.005032
           ----       ----       ----       ----
delay 0.04831, dispersion 0.00006, offset -0.005032

server, port 123
stratum 1, precision -20, leap 00, trust 000
refid [GOOG], root delay 0.000000, root dispersion 0.000092
reference time:      e43d831e.b5bd0416  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:30.709
originate timestamp: e43d831e.b5bd0419  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:30.709
transmit timestamp:  e43d831e.b4702cdb  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:30.704
filter delay:  0.04535    0.04472    0.04466    0.04485
           ----       ----       ----       ----
filter offset: -0.004604  -0.004532  -0.004669  -0.004539
           ----       ----       ----       ----
delay 0.04466, dispersion 0.00011, offset -0.004669

server, port 123
stratum 1, precision -20, leap 00, trust 000
refid [GOOG], root delay 0.000000, root dispersion 0.000092
reference time:      e43d831e.e91f94af  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:30.910
originate timestamp: e43d831e.e91f94b2  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:30.910
transmit timestamp:  e43d831e.e7a450cf  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:30.904
filter delay:  0.04605    0.04524    0.04524    0.04581
           ----       ----       ----       ----
filter offset: -0.004196  -0.004328  -0.004318  -0.004310
           ----       ----       ----       ----
delay 0.04524, dispersion 0.00002, offset -0.004328

server, port 123
stratum 1, precision -20, leap 00, trust 000
refid [GOOG], root delay 0.000000, root dispersion 0.000092
reference time:      e43d831f.1c218a64  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:31.109
originate timestamp: e43d831f.1c218a67  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:31.109
transmit timestamp:  e43d831f.1ad72edd  Wed, May  5 2021 21:48:31.104
filter delay:  0.04652    0.04430    0.04477    0.04488
           ----       ----       ----       ----
filter offset: -0.004046  -0.004596  -0.004565  -0.004592
           ----       ----       ----       ----
delay 0.04430, dispersion 0.00008, offset -0.004596

There could be an offset, but how small does it need to be?

Ah when I do the second command I get:

ntpq -p
localhost: timed out, nothing received
***Request timed out
    root@truenas[~]# ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
 slardar.parseq. .INIT.          16 u    -  128    0    0.000   +0.000   0.000  .INIT.          16 u    -  128    0    0.000   +0.000   0.000  .INIT.          16 u    -  128    0    0.000   +0.000   0.000
*    2 u   63   64  377   18.466   -0.959   0.628

I thought the jail gets it time from the main frenass os ?
is there something I need to add?

Do I run ntpq -p in the jail or the frenass terminal?
I think you run it in frenass

I was doing ntpq -p on the truenas server itself (yes you can use the shell). That should show you that your server is in sync and with which servers.

The output of ntpdate -q is a little more concise:
root@freenas:~ # ntpdate -q
server, stratum 1, offset -0.000841, delay 0.03847
server, stratum 1, offset -0.001845, delay 0.04324
server, stratum 1, offset -0.001164, delay 0.03918
server, stratum 1, offset -0.001225, delay 0.03912
5 May 22:49:47 ntpdate[39287]: adjust time server offset -0.000841 sec

I may well have better offsets than yours (I have a local GPS clock), However I’d have thought that an offset of -0.005032 from your server would be just fine.

Do you have host_time set in your custom jail properties? This should make your jail synchronise time with the freenas server.

Yes the box host_time is ticked in custom properties.
I tried switching different time servers, but didn’t make any difference.

Jail is 12.2 release p6.

just tried re-downloading and installing but same error with clock.

I’m using the command

go install -v ./cmd/...

to build bin and pkg is this correct ?
Do I need anything else installed ?
Have already generated identity, and set up storage for jail, edited config file.

The clock check is a last check in the preflight check list. I would like to see the first errors before clock check.
Something like “ping satellite failed”

Looking at the following thread it seems that the clock error could be a red-herring and the error might actually mean your jail cannot access the satellites to check the time, rather than your time is wrong.

Try to manually connect to a satellite from inside your jail. i.e.
$ telnet 7777
Connected to
Escape character is ‘^]’.

If DNS doesn’t resolve or you don’t get a connection, you have a networking issue.

Think its connecting?

[storj@Stor-jl ~/go/bin]$ telnet 7777
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Cant seem to see any other errors that come first?

Then please, perform usual checks:

yougetsignal says the port closed.
Have opened them in router(s) (network is double nat ip4) but not sure if it works

But storj wont run as it exits with clock error.
Does BSD jail / frenass have firewall ports I need to open as well ?

just checking form the other thread.
should the identity folder have 4 or 6 files ?
Have 4

Maybe another problem

I’m running my jails with their own IPv4 addresses using a VNET. I couldn’t figure out how to get inbound connections when using NAT.

I do have issues with my jails loosing connectivity when I change network config on the TrueNAS server, but that happens so rarely I haven’t looked into it properly. Bouncing the jails fixes the issue anyway.

I’m going to generate another identity file, as i could have a problem with the first one, I may not have done it right.
I’ll have to come back tomorrow and see if that one works

I 've been trying to follow the guide here : Getting started with Storj Testnet on FreeNAS (freeBSD) – Storj DCS

but can not get it to work, cant even get the test/sim network to work

Error: some executables cannot be found: [gateway]

Cant help think it’s something simple, but not familiar with go
and don’t think everything’s installed right.

This is to install storj-sim. It will not install storagenode for production.

I didn’t know if it would test the installation of the production storagenode.

I seem to have built the storagenode binary, its in the bin folder and is 57,043Kb.
Every time I try to run it

Its still exiting with the clock error, and don’t know what to troubleshoot.
or what else to try.

The clock out of sync is not necessarily mean that it’s a reason and not a consequence. This is the last check and more like the error was somewhere earlier.
Let’s eliminate each point separately:

The identity could be checked locally as well: Step 5. Create an Identity - Storj Docs