I am amazed at the system specifications required to participate in Filecoin mining… Here I am running Storj on my raspberry pi 4…
Same, with requirements like that it either needs to scale really well or provide a unique capability where people are willing to pay a premium so that the operators can cover electricity. Perhaps it will be popular as a way to bypass censorship (would Filecoin make it harder to serve a take down notice?)?
My pi just sips electricity, I actually think my several drives take more power than the single Pi they’re connected to.
Good article with a nice and healthy view on the competition.
What is really interesting and, in my point of view makes Storj one step ahead from the competition, it’s its ability to balance between customers and node operators interests.
It’s easy to be economically viable as an SNO, compared to other projects. Even if it’s a little bit expansive than other decentralized storage platforms (such as Sia), Storj provides a real, reliable, durable and available platform to customers for a fair price (a lot cheaper than Engerprise-Grade solutions from biggest Cloud providers).
That being said, I’m wondering what would be the impact of the price decrease for SNO:
- Are you considering (even in the mid-long term roadmap) to decrease SNO payments (price of stored TB or egress bandwidth, etc.)?
Or - Do you expect economy of scales on Storj network and other innovations that would decrease the actual price for Tardigrade customers?
I suppose this is not defined yet
But it would be nice to have some insights on options you are considering.
Hi Jeremy, I dont have any figures to share on that, these are great, thoughtful questions though which the community has cause to be keenly interested in. I think once we get into talking about economy of scale the conversation becomes complex, and gaining insights edges into modeling possible outcomes and looking into behaviors on both the micro and macro scale