Cost of running nodes?

running hardware dedicated only for storj isn’t easy…

mainly because you run into the issue of disk capacity… if you use a 6tb hdd it will take a year to fill… so the ROI really starts when you are a year in, if you have a smooth ride.

with a 12TB it might at what we have been seeing for the last long while… would then take 2 years to fill… so really thats the main issue.

also that the internet, and the hardware prices, the monitoring and troubleshooting when stuff goes wrong.

but if you can keep the nodes alive, and don’t waste to much hardware or time in running storj, then it can be profitable… but i think the main key to profit from storj is to use systems that have primary purposes, and then run storj as a secondary bonus.

since it doesn’t really take a ton of resources.

if we do that math on this example
DC CZ there are 2 nodes on Dell R210 29€ month and imagining 12tb hdd for each

so a max monthly earnings of 24x3$ lets just underestimate.
so 72$ after 2 years of operation… which which the 1st year they will be operating at a loss.
and tho i’m sure they could perform okay during the first year, i doubt it … so underestimating… by calling it … well it will be lucky to cover 2 months operational costs… so ill just call it zero.

so first year 0 profit and expenses is like 600-720€
then 2nd year they will start to cover their operational costs.
as it being about half the max earnings…and at end of year should earn 72$.
so thats an avg of like 20$ each month, so for the full 2nd year would be 12x20 so

so two years in and capacity just filled and we are still 400€ in the red.
so unless we add more capacity the 3rd year will pass and we will still be in the red…
but not by much… the only way to offset that would be to store past 12TB for each node.

if we calculate both options… 12tb pr node max and going to 18tb on year 3
that would put us starting out at the max which is 72$ pr month and so lets call that 40$ profits pr month, so a yearly profit of 480$ and having paid 240$ last year of the 600€
which basically equals out with the costs of year one… so during year end of year 3 i would expect a setup such as that to make profits…

for the dual 18 / infinite capacity… so adding 2x6TB for both nodes x 3$ pr TB making it
36$ extra earnings pr month,

and using 50% of end of year earnings as the avg, again assuming a linear progression of ingress.

ergo 18$ avg earned extra pr month over the year. so 210$ or whatever

so that would basically be the earnings after 3 years of operation… a couple of hundred $

15$ overhead pr node is a killer for your ROI

sorry if this is kinda bleak, but just trying to work with semi realistic numbers.
the earnings have also been under estimated, so might be a lot better…
but this i would say one has a pretty good chance of earning.
even with that much overhead.