By looking at the network stats it appears that active nodes jumped on December 10th and the total free space jumped nearly 30PB. I’m fairly new to the community and it would be interested to understand where that much storage came from all at once.
Either a glitch in the graph or a whale joined the network
If you switch to the 30-day view you’ll see…
…it’s just the reports being fixed.
The Storj network is reliable. The stats about the Storj network… are sometimes rough guidelines indicating a general direction
Just gliches in the Matrix!
We are migrating to Spanner, so sometimes stats reports may be wrong (they may report from the old backend during migration, when the actual usage already on a new backend).
We hope to finish it soon.
A super duper megapro like myself, of course, knows both what Spanner is, why we’re migrating to it, and certainly also what we’re migrating from.
If there should be any user out there, who does not have the same insight as me, could you care to elaborate for them, Alexey?
Kind regards
Assuming that it is google cloud spanner. A not-only-SQL database maybe?
Not much to share, we are migrating from the one distributed database to another, so data may be presented in both but in different completeness state.
The backend is migrated first, now the same for stat reports, it will take time, please be patient.
I suspect we may have a blog published on Storj Engineering Blog | Storj Engineering Blog dedicated to this topic.