Custom avatars on forum

For the life of me I cannot find anything even in the source.

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Well now Iā€™m pretty much sure that my trick wonā€™t work hahaha
Iā€™ll look into it again once I have a bit more free time (probably after my examsā€¦)

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Well. Possible it is.


How did you do it? Iā€™m sure thereā€™s something incredibly obvious that Iā€™m missing, but Iā€™m editing js right now to try to make it work. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the wrong approach, but itā€™s the only way I can see.

This secrecyā€¦ so unfair :smiley: Donā€™t want to waste an hour searchingā€¦ If it was correctly enabled in the administration page, it would be really easy to use a custom avatar.

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wtfā€¦ Iā€™ve already searched everything but it doesnā€™t matter, there are more important things xD

If it makes you feel any better, there really isnā€™t. After @Pac found his method he sent me a PM and we exchanged a bit of info. And while we basically ended up using the same method, we got there in a bit of a different way. We both agreed though that we wouldnā€™t call this an easter egg. To the point where Iā€™m not even sure @jocelyn was referring to this method. Soā€¦ you might be missing something obvious, but in that case, so did @Pac and I.

Of course itā€™s fair! Currently everyone who managed to do it put in the same work. :wink:

But if itā€™s not worth an hour to you, I suggest you donā€™t bother. Itā€™ll likely take you a bit of time to find this.

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Youā€™re right, @jocelyn can just activate it in the settings and make your efforts fade away :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If our Storjling overlords decide thatā€™s the right approach, Iā€™m fine with that.:yum: In fact I advocated for that a few posts back already.

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yeah hopefully :smiley:
I spent 30 minutes searching, now I found a method I thought should work (at least according to config options on my local discourse installation) but looks like it doesnā€™t workā€¦ oh well. enough time spent on it for now.

oh wow, i stepped away and came back to this! OK everyone, Im not trying to protect Fort Knox or anyhting :wink: I just thought when I set up the forum that a little easter egg would be fun. It would be a cute surprise, but also a way for longtime users to bond. over a little mini-hack :female_detective:

Ive flipped the switch in admin settings, enjoy :joy: Its subject to the code of conduct, so keep it wholesome (no spoofing the company logo please!) Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces


1234567890 :yum:

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great minds think alike ā€“ stay tuned for updates :wink:

Thank you for making it simple for us, I did try to look for it but I didnā€™t have alot of time

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But we wanted to hear about the easter egg, not have a profile picture, the picture is much less important!

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Iā€™m looking forward for all the crazy profile pics :slight_smile:

Did you use Gravatar @BrightSilence ?
I just searched avatar in the page source, even though I didnā€™t understand the code I figured that if gravatar was mentioned in there it must mean that they configured it.

EDIT: I do have say that itā€™s a bit less fun now that itā€™s enabled for everyone hahahahaha

Awesome. Though I wonder what the hack was. My idea was that maybe the site has a security bug that would allow me to ignore the admin settings.

Well it was quite fun to give it a whirl.

Nope, just circumvented the block on the custom avatar feature.
Kind of feel like thatā€™s a bug in discourse that thatā€™s even possible.

This exactly.

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Great! Many thanks :slightly_smiling_face: