Custom avatars on forum

Can we have the option to use custom avatars? The limited set currently available makes it easy to confuse who you are responding to. Perhaps for trust level 2 and up?


Agreed, most forum software that I know of allows custom avatars.

Would love to have that feature, helps to quickly identify people that are active quite a lot.

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@jocelyn do you know if this has been looked into or considered?

Oh yeah i totally support this request!

I also support it. The pictures do not talke that much additional space on the server.

Might be an Usecase for Tardigrade :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah Id like to add my truck to the avatar instead kthx, instead of the same as everyone else.

I’d like that too :slight_smile:

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Yup would be for it too.

Really? We can use this when all other issues are solved

There’s actually an easter egg to add your own custom image – Im surprised more people havent found it!


Not for lack of trying, I can assure you. Again after you posted this.
Care to share a hint? Or is this just one of your awesome Storjling powers that we mere mortals don’t possess?

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I think I found something

Well apparently I might have to wait up to 24h until my avatar updates.
I have to say that I’ll pretty proud of myself if this works.

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Well I did something…
Just posting an image of the current state as I might tinker further.

MMmhh I’m starting to doubt that my trick will work now hhahahaha

Well my trick just broke the current avatar and defaulted to the discourse letter default. It’s unique though, haha.

Serves the purpose :smile:

Score! image

So yes, I can say it’s possible :slight_smile:

Edit: That said, this is not exactly a user visible option. I have no idea if this method was even what @jocelyn was referring to. And if she’s going to be mysterious about it, who am I to expose my methods. I still think this should just be an option for everyone or at least for regulars on the forum.

Edit2: Now that I’ve found a method I picked a bit more readable icon that’s a better fit for the smaller sizes of avatars. :slight_smile: