Custom domain setup impossible to get working


I’m trying to get a custom domain to work for my bucket but after hours of trying it just does not seem to work. I followed the docs as closely as possible alongside the youtube walkthrough but it’s just not coming together for me.

I’m trying to use to host some images. Cloudflare is my DNS provider

I essentially did the following steps:

  1. Created a new project
  2. Proceeded to create an API key with full access
  3. Followed the setup for uplink under a new profile (playrz). Added the API key, satellite address and then my passphrase.
  4. Create a new bucket via uplink (set to use playrz profile by default)
  5. uploaded a test image at the root of the bucket
  6. uplink share --dns sj://playrz-assets --tls --not-after=none --access=playrz
  7. Updated the DNS records with the values obtained from the command above

Following these steps and when I go to the domain I keep getting the default object not found error.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome to the forum! Are you sure you uploaded the test image to the correct bucket under the correct project ¨playrz¨ ?

Yes via uplink I use the cp command to place an image at the root of the bucket.

Your custom domain is working correctly:


If you want a website to show up, you need to upload an index.html file (more: Hosting a Static Website - Storj Docs).


Ah ok so direct links to assets work fine. I noticed now that the example I was referencing had a folder hence I was able to navigate and list the files in a explorer type page

This works like an explorer only on, but not on the custom domain, because it’s expected to be a static web-site, thus - should have index.html in the root.