Would anyone be interested in donating buckets to help create a decentralized YouTube ATM using my free 150gb but we will need more buckets also it will help us SNO’s get traffic also once site functions off of my free bucket I plan to use a service like Kickstarter to get some funding
What’s your model going to look like friend? I don’t like to discourage people who take initiative to build something on top of Storj, but I’m not seeing it. You started out by distributing content you don’t have the copyright to (in other topics). And now you seem unwilling to go beyond your free account limits and asking others to donate to do the same (or actually pay for it?). How do you expect others to donate anything if you’re not willing to put in anything yourself?
As for:
It won’t. If you fill your free 150GB it would be 0.15TB * 2.7 = 0.405TB after inflation factor. Spread over 13500 nodes is 0.00003TB per node at a whopping $0.000045 payout for storage.
As for egress, 0.15TB spread over 13500 nodes = 0.000011111TB paid out at $0.00022222.
For a whopping total of $0.00026722 per node per month.
You can keep that fraction of a cent. I’m more invested with the long term viability of Storj. As are most node operators active here on the forums. And distributing illegal content or leaching off free accounts isn’t going to get us there.
Now there’s a chance I’m misinterpreting your intentions. Hence my question, what’s your business model for this?
Now I intend to make a satellite with egress removed and do It that way once it’s working I may try find sponsors or something I don’t care much about the money but helping the network and a decentralized option for people around the world to store videos on our nodes
The free account was purely for testing purposes to test DCS and wether my project is achievable
Hosting a satellite is serious stuff I believe, like running an actuat data center business.
Also, if your satellite doesn’t pay storage nodes, I’m not sure many will join and provide storage space.
A few might be happy to run some free nodes for your service if they like and believe in the project. I don’t know, I’m not sure.
It is. You’d be responsible for running your own network, including acquiring node operators, paying them etc. Even if you remove egress payouts, you still have to pay for storage. That means buying tokens from the market, since you don’t have the reserves Storj Labs has. And paying node operators. And… there is no official support for community satellites yet. So you’d be forking the Storj code and adding your own to accommodate your changes.
When this suggestion came up I kind of stopped responding. The idea has flipflopped so many times and it seems to be getting less feasible, not more. It’s not that I wouldn’t be interested in trying a satellite that ran on a different model. Or even donating space. I run an unpaid node on testnet too (though admittedly that isn’t being used much). When someone brought up the idea of having a satellite on which you could donate space to non-profits, I was interested as well. It’s not just about the making money, but it is about supporting something I believe in. But when the only response when asking for a business model is: “I’m now going to run my own satellite” without any indication that the person knows what that entails, I just lose faith in the person behind the operation. But please, prove me wrong! Just for now, I’ll be waiting it out from the sidelines.
I have made an ok sample minus sat but now it am working on starting a satellite i understand how difficult this may sound/be but i can /will do it
As the sat will take time and work i am just bettering my site using the us1 satellite
Can you make a step by step video to set up a satellite?
I am really excited about this.
Storj’s satellites are very good. But not good enough for the users in my country. I am having an idea to build a satellite to serve node operators and customers in my country.
My plan also what country are you in
A sat is a lot harder and more work than a storage node
There are some kinda easy r
Tutorials just follow them exactly and use good hardware google either storj-up
Or storj-sim
But when it get mine working i could maybe make a video one
It will pay ingress not egress
Also there seem to be few operators is sats so when you run into an issue it can take days to fix it as there aren’t many/any tutorials to make a sat(like for a storage node there are many )
I think the point is that you should be aware nobody is going to hold your hand through this. This isn’t a simple matter of just following the steps. You’d be doing something nobody outside of Storj Labs has done before and something Storj Labs hasn’t yet really enabled the community to do.
Now the code is all open source, so there is nothing stopping you from doing anything like this. But if you’re serious about this, consider it like running a business. You’d be developing your own code to enable this and operating a distributed satellite infrastructure. For example, Storj Labs is hosting most of the satellite servers on distributed GCP infra, with trusted delegated repair workers running elsewhere, because GCP would be too expensive. I don’t believe any of the payout scripts are part of the open source code, so you’d be writing your own. And payouts haven’t been automated to begin with even on Storj Labs’ end.
If you’re up for that, great! But also keep in mind that Storj Labs is currently subsidizing node operators by paying them more than they earn from customers. They can do this since they have STORJ token reserves and investors that provide them some runway. Can you afford to do this? And if not, will you be able to convince node operators to work with your satellite?
If this has scared you off, I don’t blame you, it’s a pretty daunting task. But if not, I’m looking forward to see what you come up with.
I look forward to your video tutorials.
Thank you for providing so much useful information. I am very serious about this. And I also consider it a profitable business. Where I live there are many favorable market factors for implementing the storj network and I believe it can be profitable.
Besides that, I also really like storj’s idea of a decentralized hosting community. I know about the storj project quite early and have bought some hardware waiting for V3 node mining.
In your reply I realized there are some issues that I need to deal with and I really need your clarification.
- Running satellites on decentralized cloud infrastructure is not a big deal. We have a number of local cloud service providers that can handle this task with very high transmission bandwidth rates for domestic connections. But the cost of storage and bandwidth is also quite high. Can you provide more information about these parameters?
How much hard disk space will a satellite use?
How much bandwidth will satellite consume with each TB of upload and download of the nodes it serves?
In case the bandwidth cost is too great then I would consider operating the satellite myself with dedicated hardware. Because then I can fix the cost of the internet connection and don’t need to pay extra for bandwidth. - Regarding the payment issue, I don’t really understand very well. When I operate a new satellite, do I need to generate a new token myself? And anyway storj’s current problem is operating on Ethereum with transaction costs currently quite large. We can create new tokens on networks with lower transaction costs that support smart contracts such as Signum (Burst) or Chia, Chives.
- If the business model really proves to work, then I believe I can raise equity.
- Another problem is finding customers. It is still unclear to me whether the storj network is capable of letting traditional cloud hosting providers (e.g. web hosting, VPS cloud) sublease storage space to integrate into their infrastructure and sell it. back to their customers or not?
I am not an expert in programming or coding, I am a business person. But I like the idea of the storj project and how the storj community is contributing to the project. So if I can turn satellite operation into a profitable business it will be a very good way for me to contribute to the development of the Storj project.
I definitely won’t be able to answer all your questions, but I’ll give some of them a go.
Bandwidth is important, but not nearly as important as latency. Satellites don’t deal with the actual data, that goes directly to nodes. But there is a lot of coordination communication between uplink and satellite. That’s usually small, but frequent. Depending on where your customers are you may want to geographically distribute the infra. If they are all relatively local, that may make this part easier.
I don’t have exact numbers. But for every segment stored the satellite stores metadata including which nodes store the actual pieces. This is I think a few kb per segment. So it really depends on how many segments are stored and what the average segment sizes are. The size can become significant.
This has kind of the same answer. Most traffic is small in size, there is just a lot of those small data exchanges happening.
In my opinion this is only viable if your customers are relatively local.
This is entirely up to you. But whatever choices you make here, keep in mind that any extra hurdles will make it harder to get node operators to join your satellite. The easiest for them is if you support the same payout methods as Storj Labs does. But you can choose to go in a completely different direction. As long as you can get node operators on board. You CAN mint your own token, but then you would also take on a role in token governance and you’d need to gain trust that your token actually has value. It would also need to get listed on exchanges etc. That’d be a whole extra layer of complexity.
It’s object storage, similar to S3 and actually with an S3 compatible gateway. This is great for different kinds of we storage, but especially for larger files. I doubt it would be usable for VPS though. That tends to require storage closer to the VPS itself. But it’s great for distribution of video or software. Or for backups of databases etc.
That’s fine, but I think you should consider getting someone on board who is. Since Storj Labs hasn’t yet build in the features required to run a community satellite, some coding is unavoidable at this point. The same goes for the payout scripts, which you’ll have to create yourself.
Let me finish by restating that this information is incomplete and may in places be wrong. I never ran a satellite myself, but I know the infrastructure fairly well by reading the white papers, design blueprints, forum and in some cases the code itself. I am by no means an expert on running a satellite.
Tbh you will need someone like that
Haha canned pumpkin good stuff btw welcome to the community @camronshaw17