Hello, I have an issue with my node running over a VPS service via wireguard. I noticed that on storj it shows “Neighbors 1/2” ands it also gets half the ingress, so it shares the traffic with another node somehow, even though it’s a single node behind the VPS IPv4 adress. How is this possible?
As you can see in the “By subnets” part of that dashboard: some unfortunate /24s have hundreds of neighbours. It’s not looking for others with your exact same IP (though that’s possible using different ports)… it’s looking for anyone else in your subnet.
Like if your VPN IP is… you could have neighbours anywhere from to
So if I have bad luck, and my ISP is giving me a new IP Adress wich is in the same subnet with another node operator, we will basically share the inbound traffic?
Though you mention using Wireguard through a VPS. If this is a service provider that lets you create/destroy VMs when you want… then creating a new instance may move you to a different /24 (like you were on 45.55.65.x and you move to 45.55.75.x (and that /24 may have no neighbours). But it’s more common for discount VPS providers to just give you one fixed instance and even if you reinstall the OS your IP won’t change.
It’s entirely possible to be unlucky and your ISP or Cloud provider or VPS provider or whoever lets you use a public IP with other SNOs already in the same subnet. Or you can be lucky and alone!