Discontinuation of the Storj Free Tier

There are two possibilities from node operator perspective.

  • amount of free data was negligible. Then you won’t notice anything. Nothing to worry about, nothing to discuss
  • amount of free data was significant. This is great: we finally get to stop wasting resources on freeloaders that would never have converted to paying customers anyway.

None of these are negatives for SNO.


Its a matter of perspective though. Some people will always complain and look at the negatives no matter what kind of justification or explanation is given. Even a simple conversation like - Hey, how’s the weather ? … Its ok but I would have enjoyed it more if it was $5/TB.

I agree Storj needs to find more clients that will help us with more egress. I am not against making more money but every time a post like this is made we go around in circles discussing the same things.


It would be nice to know how much free data are we talking about?
What is the fraction of all data is occupied by free tier?
Is it less than 1%?
Is it 20% or more?

If it’s 20%, then we are in trouble:)

If it’s less than 1%, then probably not a big deal to keep the free tier.

I would suggest to add a configurable parameter for SNO that controls amount of free storage they offer. Let’s say 1% of all storage the SNO is willing to offer for free.
This pool of all free storage can be used for non-profit organizations, free limited time trials for large customers, unlimited free tier storage (1-5GB), etc.
Basically let the SNO decide whether they are willing to offer a portion of their storage for free and see where it will go. If your node is making $50 a month, then by offering 1% for free you will roughly loose 50 cents, not a big deal.


There’s a number of challenges with that idea, but I like that you’re thinking in a positive direction.

I think regardless of how much data there is, it’s going to be what it is until the data is removed. We’ll just have to wait it out like we did when the synthetic data was being removed.

I uploaded data to test the system and never checked it anymore. Surely, there will be more people like me. I think ending with the free tier it is a good move in the long run, but there have to be a trial for people really interested in Storj.

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That looks fair. 30 days to try.

Tho i have one hint for marketing if i may?
Everyone writes “Unlimited” those days,
And if Your experienced, You know its mostly a lie,
Maybe consider change:

“Unlimited storage and egress”
“True Unlimited storage and egress”

i dont know, just so people could sense it’s a real deal, not just some marketing…
We are the revolution here! :ok_hand: :wink:

Storj: Try Storj today: it’s “Truely Unlimited!”

Client: Well I dunno. The last company told me that… but after I uploaded too many ones they throttled me.

Storj: We don’t do that! We can handle all your ones. We’ll take ones all night long.

Client: How about some zeroes? I have quite a few of them too. You know, just to balance things out. My last provider cut me off after…

Storj: No worries! We’re the leading storage facility for zeroes. We handle massive amounts of zeroes - all day every day.

Client: That does sounds like a good deal. However…

Storj: Yes?

Client: Well… I’m not an ordinary customer. I have some peculiar tastes…

Storj: Go on

Client: … and I don’t really like to talk about it in public…

Storj: This is a safe space

Client: …but do you think I’d be allowed to store…

Storj: (leans in)

Client: … a two?

Storj: XXXXXX !!!

I fully agree with that approoach.

In my (may be wrong) understanding, Storj is not a storage provider (it does not sell storage) like DropBox, Google Driver, …
For me Storj provides a platform with the aim to give a value to the unused storage connected to the Internet. Storj does not own the set of disk used to provide to storage service, unlike DropBox and all others.
The fact that I’m the disk owner is a basic a significant distinction with the classical players.

And as a disk owner, it should be up to me to decide how I want to share my disks, and of course the amount I’m ready to share for free.

As an “open source” believer, if a competitor to Storj would exist, dedicated to “free storage sharing”, I would for sure run that solution on side of my current Storj nodes.
However, I think that Storj can also be that alternate player.


Weren’t they testing the idea of community-run satellites? If Storj has decided they no longer want to shoulder the costs of managing forever-free data… then if SNOs want to offer some forever-free space it should be through a non-Storj satellite.

Maybe this change to only having trial access will reignite interest in community satellites?

(…but I doubt it: most people want to be paid to store other peoples random files…)


One of the former developers, many years ago, created a Community sharing service called Ork or Orc. You received some amount of storage for the storage you offered to everyone else.

Looks like it stalled out back in September of 2017.

I think Symform was like that too (but also died?)

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I mean, for my usage, I don’t mind paying (my node covers it) but you might want to remove this:


Unfortunately I believe this is a functionality of our payment processing provider, they add that note automatically for this type of coupon. It will be changed at the date that Storj removes these coupons from the accounts, as previously announced.


As of the website, it is written $0.0000088 per segment. So for 10k segments it is $0.088.

Just to clarify, the Legacy coupon is being expired also. Yes?

Yes, that is correct

I have a free account but I haven’t received any e-mail mentioning this yet.
I’ve been receiving e-mails from Storj without any issues as far as I can tell, so just asking if it is still being distributed or if there was some problem with that message maybe, and e-mail server might have rejected it as I do not see it in the Spam either.

I’m ready to close my free account (data migrated elsewhere and deleted from the network), but I can’t find where in the the web portal to do that.
so the question is, how can I delete my storj account ?

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If there is no button you probably have to contact support.

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