Discrimination of node operators on a territorial basis

Dear Russian SNOs, please stop. The situation is bad for everyone.
People from Storjlabs are being extremely fair.

You guys should realize that despite the war in Ukraine world still goes on. There are people trusting their data to Storj and their trust must be met. You say that Russia absolutely won’t cut the internet, but can you still say that looking back at the events of the past two weeks? And if it happens, will you be able to connect your nodes back? If yes, will you be able to properly operate the nodes on those connections?


In this case please provide to Russian ppl a way to continue using Storj and protect SNO and Russian customers investments.


No back. After this steps i dont trust storj. How i can trust company, who can disconnect me referring to unknown resources?


Including from countries where nodes have been disconnected from the task of storage, which is declared as decentralized and working around the world.

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Storj, the company, can’t do that. If they do, they can be prosecuted by the US Government.

That’s the problem here…

However, there’s nothing stopping a Russian entity from setting up a Russian satellite node.

Where are clear instructions and license terms for setup a self-hosted production-ready sats? Please stop lying about community sats :face_exhaling:

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Storj as a storage solution exists on the internet, not in the cheburnet. I’m absolutely sure Storjlabs won’t specifically terminate accounts from Russia unless sanctions reach the point when all interactions with Russian entities and individuals are prohibited by governing law. So if you have the access to the internet, you can still use Storj.

But your nodes are not disqualified, and no one is withholding your payment. You’re not happy because Storjlabs are taking adequate measures in order to not lose data?

This is a valid point and I would like some decentralization in satellites as well. But as I said, Storj exists on the internet. You can’t use internet if you don’t have internet access.


Just slow down a bit. We are aware that our current code change is not perfect and we are working on some additional tweaks. Please don’t overreact (yet). Our primary objective is to not lose a file. We are on track with that goal. The second objective is to treat all nodes like we would normally do. That target is only partially fulfilled. We try out best to balance out both targets.

That hasn’t been a topic for us yet. There is also some middle ground. If we are forced to block customers that doesn’t mean we have to delete the data. So it doesn’t need to be as dramatic as the saction might sound at the beginning.


It’s entirely possible to setup a non-Storj run satellite along with the associated storagenodes within the geographic confines of any given nation - including Russia.

I did not claim that the Russian satellite would participate within the wider network.

But it’s still possible to do.


It’s entirely possible to setup a non-Storj run satellite along with the associated storagenodes within the geographic confines of any given nation - including Russia.

License? Setup instructions?

Check out github…

It’s all open source. Anyone can setup an independently running network. If the Russian Government has no laws stopping a Russian entity from setting up a Storj satellite and paying Russian SNOs in STORJ… then it’s possible to setup an independently run network.

It’s just not possible for the Storj Company to run it.


We live in some crazy times and it doesnt just effect Russia it effects the entire world.


I would be curious how said Russian clients will continue to pay for their Storj access in the future with almost everything financial being cut off now.

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It’s still possible to pay in STORJ… and get a 10% bonus in the process.

Is it illegal ?

I don’t know…

But Coinpayments is just an Ethereum address… so, it’s possible to pay if one has access to Ethereum Mainnet.


As an update to this thread, here are two blog posts from today:


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