Disk usage discrepancy?

not sure why i did not check this before but looks like the trash is my problem, node say 0 trash but looks like there is many in… started to delete this (rm -rf trash) takes some time, will report when done how much it was

edit: damn was only ~300GB

Do you have errors related to databases (database and is locked or malformed or not a database)?

You shouldn’t remove trash yourself, you will not have pieces older than 7 days here anyway independently of what’s stored in your database.
The manual deletion of the trash may lead to a disqualification, if the satellite would request to restore data and would try to audit it.

I’m close to delete the whole node, no big deal if get disqualified
But this node had 0 trash according to webui 0 bytes… 300GB are not 0 bytes another “scam” where we not get paid for used space? Or did I get it wrong that trash is not paid?

other nodes I have got more than 1TB trash…


your node just have not been able to moove it to tras, or not got jes signal about it, it just cant happen at same time averyware


Just checked it and this trash scam, sorry for call it scam but i feel like it is a scam that trash is not paid

My best node with 8TB had about 11$… because of trash now about 9, the other nodes in the screenshot same reduction in expected earnings

the owner of the files have to choose pay for the data in trash or delete without move to trash and have no option to recover, but this is a bad joke imo…
If I would not like “free” ~50$/month I would shutdown all nodes I guess

this is not behind owners, it is Storj, in case if some code bugs delete some files, than there is 7 days to restore them.


Whoever it is they should pay for it.


U did not get my point

Why the space is used does not matter for me it is used and I want to get paid for it

For sure there could be 2 options for the customers when they delete files:

  1. Delete data and move to trash but pay the trash
  2. Delete data without trash (no way to recover) no need to pay for trash as there is no trash

Or u would like if some smart brains put all data in trash to not pay for it and recover it later… in worst case u could have a full “trash” node and not earn anything

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client cant put it to trash, if he delete, he cant restore them.


For option 2, you must change pieces.delete-to-trash in your config file

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Something wrong with trash?

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I think it’s not that easy… I’m even very sure it’s not working this way

Hmm, after reading this I wonder what is trash for if you can’t recover from it?

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only storj can recover from it not clients


Yes, but what storj want to recover if not client data (and that is all what is deleted) AND client can’t recover it? Even more magic.

If I got it right u have to contact storj to recover data u deleted and want/need back… I did not know that too

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This issue pertains to the operation of Bloom filters, which theoretically can lead to the deletion of incorrect data. To mitigate this risk, data is initially moved to the trash folder. If no issues arise, this data will then be permanently deleted after 7 days.


Like the others said if you don’t want to be not paid for trash, you can have the filewalker delete pieces instead of moving to trash. But imo this past week is a bit of an anomaly with regards to trash as the free tier was removed.


client can do it only by support tiket i think.