Distraction of attention

The use of strong colors for nothing is a distraction for the users and moves their attentions away from the important parts of the website like the start trial button.


En esto tienes mucha razón

I can’t fully agree, if it’s the general idea for the website it looks ok for me.

I’ve been on thousands of websites and this one gives me a headache after minutes. And I am not kidding I mean literally physical pain so I have to exit it.

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Hm, I can believe you. As for me, I can’t stand a black background. It has pretty much the same effect on me.

Can’t say I am a fan of black backgrounds.
I can look at Grafana graph or the white background here at the forum without affecting me.
It is something about that sites design that hurts my brain.

The old website design was fine and started to become really good and unique. And then they come up with the this :face_vomiting:.

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I agree. I used to browse the site from time to time just out of curiosity. Since the redesign I happen to not anymore. I guess this explains it.

I find it repulsive, emotionally unstable, 1960ies flavor psychedelic, in-your-face oversaturated, and unpleasant to look at.

On top of it, those pink-to-purple gradients are overused today and look derivative.

Again, I’m not a graphic designer, far from it, but I dislike this design. And I’m pretty confident this is more than just aversion to change.

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Exactly. 1960ies flavor psychedelic, that’s an interesting way to describe the look. Yes, kind of.
The old design was soothing and more reputable, advanced and settled. Also unique in a way.
This new one appears more like high on something and back to the start-up level together with that new logo.
It is very sad that instead of developing something good and evolving to the next stage, we often see that people are trying to reinvent the wheel starting from zero and making all the silly mistakes again that had been weed out in a long process before.

I believe it should somehow resemble rainbow colors: Storj on LinkedIn: #pridemonth #pride2024 #lgbtq #dei and therefore also being some kind of a political statement. But I could be wrong.

I am not too, but I can feel the difference of a website that creates me a headache and one that I can be on for hours without any signs of physical pain.

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