Do full nodes get vetted?

I am wondering with all the test data from one satellite if it prevents getting vetting traffic from the other satellites if your node is already full?
If so it would mean that after deletion of test data it would take at least 30 days to get vetted on another satellite.


Not necessarily.

The exact words used for the duration of completing the vetting process were “at least a month”. This gives a time window of 1 to 30 days.

How to leave room for other satellites then? To me it does not sound to make sense to get filled up with only test data and not being able to get vetted for other satellites.

Your node won’t have test data forever. Secondly data is paid when you store it and when it gets downloaded.

Ofc you get paid for test data, I know that. But I think it does not make sense to fill up a node with test data blocking it from being vetted on other satellites.
Here is a real world example: I am filling a node currently. At current testing data flow my 2TB are filled up in 10 days.
There is no way of telling if the node is fully vetted on the other satellites by then. I don’t want to dedicate more space to it right now. So it might happen that the node is full and vetting for other satellites ceases until at some point test data may get deleted and vetting resumes but can take up to 30 days after. And if new test data flows in it ceases again. So becoming vetted can take months.

This does not make sense to me.

There should be a setting to reserve space for non-test data satellites .

But from an SNO perspective it makes very little odds how many satellites have vetted it if the node is getting adequate traffic. If your node is being filled rapidly, that means you’re going to get paid for a full node! Which is better pay than minimal vetting traffic would be…


Being vetted on as many satellites as possible puts your node into a much better preparation for changes of traffic.
To me it is outright silly to block vetting on customer customer satellites for test data.

You do not have a room on your node anyway for the new customers of the new satellite.
Also, if you have some data from that satellite already, it would be vetted sooner or later.

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But I would like to be able to keep room for data from the other satelllites instead of being filled like 100% test data from only one satellite.

Treat this as real world example. Your full node has data from customers that don’t want to download it. At least you now know this test data will be deleted but in case of customers you can only pray or buy bigger HDD to migrate your node.


And after deletion it takes up to 30 days to be vetted on other satellites. That’s the silly thing.
Don’t you think it would be an advantage if you are fully vetted, data get’s deleted and other satellites can immediately push data full gear on you node without up to 30 days with max 5% possible data flow?
I believe this would be advantageous.

Who will delete this data ?

The owner/customer or Storj if it’s test data. You also could get disqualifed on one satellite.

That’s exactly what I said above. You can’t force either to do so.

Do you mean get purposefully disqualified on a node ?

I don’t know what you are trying to say. All I am saying is, no matter for what reason data get’s deleted, being vetted on additional satellites puts you into a better position than being not vetted and having to wait up to 30 days. I don’t see how this can be disputed.

Again, for whatever reason. I am just saying it can happen.

Easy, just assign only 80% of your hdd to storj. Then when a new satellite pops up, assign 90% of your hdd. Then you have enough space to get new data and get vetted :wink:



Honestly, it doesn’t matter. You’re getting paid for a full node. Storj replicates customer behavior with their test data, so it doesn’t matter what kind of data you’re hosting. And yes if someone deletes data it will take longer for satellites on which you are not vetted to fill up that space. But not on the satellites that have already vetted your node. And chances are it will fill up quickly anyway.

Additionally, if you have any data from a satellite at all, it will eventually get vetted anyway. The reason for this is that satellites audit unvetted nodes with some priority. It will take longer if you’re holding very little data, but it will eventually happen either way.


Interesing idea but I am getting so much test data ingress currently (around 200GB per day) that it would be filled with test data before any other satellite.

Until they delete the data off from it.

If “someone” is Storj and deletes 2TB test data from your node then you are surely not happy to wait 30 days.

In this case it would be even better to have at least some space for this satellite.

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That’s some convenient quoting you did there. I will refer you to my exact next sentence that you failed to quote.

You won’t be waiting 30 days.

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For that you need satellites that you have been vetted on already.
That’s exactly what I am trying to explain that vetting should keep going: To have satellites you have been vetted on when you need them.