Docker container restart repeatedly


I want to try to host e storj Node. So I used the Docs with a Debian 12 with Docker.

sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300
-p 28967:28967/tcp
-p 28967:28967/udp
-e WALLET=“my wallet”
-e EMAIL=“my-email”
-e ADDRESS=“my-dns:28967”
-e STORAGE=“885GB”
–user $(id -u):$(id -g)
–mount type=bind,source=“/home/lukas/.local/share/storj/identity/storagenode/”,destination=/app/identity
–mount type=bind,source=“/mnt/storj-hdd-1”,destination=/app/config
–name storagenode storjlabs/storagenode:latest

But it restarts after a few seconds. Firewall, intern, is off.

What is wrong with my Config?

Thanks for the help.

2024-03-28 18:52:19,050 INFO success: storagenode-updater entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
--- stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
--- stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
--- stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
--- stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
2024-03-28 18:52:23,064 INFO exited: storagenode (exit status 1; not expected)
2024-03-28T18:52:23Z	INFO	Current binary version	{"Process": "storagenode-updater", "Service": "storagenode", "Version": "v1.95.1"}
2024-03-28T18:52:23Z	INFO	New version is being rolled out but hasn't made it to this node yet	{"Process": "storagenode-updater", "Service": "storagenode"}
2024-03-28 18:52:23,448 INFO spawned: 'storagenode' with pid 84
2024-03-28 18:52:23,449 WARN received SIGQUIT indicating exit request
2024-03-28 18:52:23,449 INFO waiting for storagenode, processes-exit-eventlistener, storagenode-updater to die
2024-03-28T18:52:23Z	INFO	Got a signal from the OS: "terminated"	{"Process": "storagenode-updater"}
2024-03-28T18:52:23Z	INFO	Current binary version	{"Process": "storagenode-updater", "Service": "storagenode-updater", "Version": "v1.95.1"}
2024-03-28T18:52:23Z	INFO	New version is being rolled out but hasn't made it to this node yet	{"Process": "storagenode-updater", "Service": "storagenode-updater"}
2024-03-28 18:52:23,461 INFO stopped: storagenode-updater (exit status 0)
2024-03-28 18:52:23,462 INFO stopped: storagenode (terminated by SIGTERM)
2024-03-28 18:52:23,463 INFO stopped: processes-exit-eventlistener (terminated by SIGTERM)
2024-03-28 18:52:24,304 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2024-03-28 18:52:24,304 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2024-03-28 18:52:25,307 INFO spawned: 'processes-exit-eventlistener' with pid 12
2024-03-28 18:52:25,308 INFO spawned: 'storagenode' with pid 13
2024-03-28 18:52:25,310 INFO spawned: 'storagenode-updater' with pid 14
2024-03-28T18:52:25Z	INFO	Invalid configuration file value for key	{"Process": "storagenode-updater", "Key": "log.encoding"}
2024-03-28T18:52:25Z	INFO	Anonymized tracing enabled	{"Process": "storagenode-updater"}
2024-03-28T18:52:25Z	INFO	Running on version	{"Process": "storagenode-updater", "Service": "storagenode-updater", "Version": "v1.95.1"}
2024-03-28T18:52:25Z	INFO	Downloading versions.	{"Process": "storagenode-updater", "Server Address": ""}
2024-03-28T18:52:25Z	INFO	Anonymized tracing enabled	{"process": "storagenode"}
2024-03-28T18:52:25Z	INFO	Operator email	{"process": "storagenode", "Address": ""}
2024-03-28T18:52:25Z	INFO	Operator wallet	{"process": "storagenode", "Address": "0xC2b7F5e598e948e9f5F79EF083775d9423135697"}
2024-03-28 18:52:26,347 INFO success: processes-exit-eventlistener entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-28 18:52:26,347 INFO success: storagenode entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-03-28 18:52:26,347 INFO success: storagenode-updater entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
--- stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
--- stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
--- stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
--- stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
2024-03-28 18:52:30,364 INFO exited: storagenode (exit status 1; not expected)

Now I have time for the Logs inside the container. Hy is the Storage config wrong where the master database is?

Did you do the SETUP=“true” flag when first creating your node? If you missed this in the instructions it likely didn’t make all the files needed to run the node.

Hello Knowledge,

thanks for your reply.

Yes I have rerun it to check

I run all commands with sudo and not with user rights.

lukas@storj:~/.local/share/storj/identity/storagenode$ ls
ca.1711632892.cert  ca.cert  identity.1711632892.cert  identity.cert  identity.key

Ok… I found my mistake. I run all commands with sudo. But after the “SETUP=“true”” command, there was an error I haven’t seen… Permission denied. I have it now start with root. And the container haven’t restarted yet. But I haven’t a site on port :14002.

Sorry. I have must have seen the error, but I was blind. How long it takes that the Website at port 14002 appears?

It works right away. If you want to use the dashboard in LAN you have to remove
from the docker command

-p 28967:28967/tcp
-p 28967:28967/udp
-p 14002:14002
-e WALLET=“my wallet”
-e EMAIL=“my-email”
-e ADDRESS=“my-dns:28967”
… ```