Docker seems to restart permanently

Hi, I have a RasPi 4B with Docker running.

All my docker nodes are rebooting approx once per hour.
No error messages from the 2 nodes from what I can see.

Any advice, what is happening?

Another issue: with the new 1.104x version I am forced to keep lazy filewalker - removing it will cause the nodes to crash once a day. Reasonable?

Do the docker logs show anything: that may look like the node is being shut down externally? I’d also look at dmesg output… and /var/log/syslog.

My guess… if it happens that often… it that you’ll see you’re short on memory and the oom killer is taking them out.

sudo docker logs [nodename] --follow
tail -f /var/log/syslog

That would be my guess also.
The nodes have all been pushed a fair bit lately and RaspiOS defaults to a very small amount of VM (just 100MB, I think) so it may well be that.
How much memory does your model have?


aaaaah, damn - it was my fault. topic can be closed: i have a maintenance script running manually - this includes shutting down the nodes for an automatic package update and rebooting them. the latest update of the script was copied to my health-check-script, which runs once per hour. haha, a noob issue.

Glad it’s sorted! :smile:

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