Double payouts are not enough!

I guess there’s nothing wrong (well almost to be honest) with the post in itself, it’s just not helpful in this situation either…
Or he found someone who got offended :rofl: (guess you only understand that joke if you read his post)


it looks like it received some “off topic” flags, which cause the algorithm to autohide a post.

Perhaps the time for equivocating about what is and isn’t offensive isn’t right after someone posted an expletive ridden post of personal attacks.

The guidelines are pretty clear that people who like to be rude should do that elsewhere. It’s not really valuable to undermine those guidelines right after the clearest example of breaking them I’ve ever seen on this forum.

Of course it also doesn’t help to then follow that up with divisive political remarks and debate about social norms. It’s the purest form of flame bait there is.

The entire reason for pointing people to the community guidelines is to point out that this is a forum for constructive conversations about Storj. That response elicits and is in itself the exact opposite of that. I didn’t flag the post myself, but I might as well have.


5 posts were split to a new topic: Не получил двойное вознаграждение

I agree but that doesn’t seem to be the way this forum is moderated…
I agree that anyone can have a bad day but I also think that some behaviors should not be tolerated as they go beyond what almost everybody considers “acceptable”.
Also I don’t think that just reminding people of the guidelines is very helpful, especially if it’s a repeated behavior.

EDIT: it also doesn’t help that the Code of Conduct is so vague, I understand the importance of free speech and moderating as little as possible but there has to be a limit somewhere…

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