Earnings calculator (Update 2024-04-14: v13.4.0 - Additional info on uncollected garbage and unpaid data - Detailed earnings info and health status of your node, including vetting progress)

With the new stefan-benten test satellite, I wanted to make a small change to include its name in the script so it won’t show up as unknown. Turns out, satellite addresses can now be pulled from satellites.db. So, I went down the rabbit hole to pull the names from there, found out they were going to be too long for my layout and decided to redesign the whole payouts table. Functionality wise it’s not the biggest update, but it required quite some rewriting of the code to make it all look a lot better readable. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think!


v11.0.0 - Redesign + dynamic satellite names

  • Pull satellite name from database
  • Redesign payouts table
  • Note: Satellites.db is now required to run the script