You’re right, I think this should be a separate discussion on a few aspects to enhance the SNO experience and improve the Tardigrade quality of network by retaining more successful long term SNO:
Integrity check command: To allow SNO’s to run an integrity check on their data regardless of satellite audits.
Repair request command: To allow SNO’s to run a repair request to restore any possible invalid pieces regardless of random satellite audits and could also be used to remedy a suspended or DQ’d node in order to return back to 100% functioning node again. Rather than abandoning existing node and reputation and requesting a new NodeID, which won’t improve SNO quality long term.
Review the design of GE and its current criteria, such as:
GE should be based on total % of data integrity extracted from the SNO and upload to Tardigrade network, to save $$$ to the network having to request REPAIR traffic from other SNO’s. It would be more costly for Satellite to request REPAIR traffic for all data.
GE to pay % of (withheld amount) successful data extraction completed which was uploaded back to Tardigrade network. Rather than penalize the SNO with 100% or 0%. The idea behind this is to lower the REPAIR cost on the satellite to get all valid data from the SNO possible VS getting no data where a SNO did not bother to perform a GE because they might get DQ’d so why bother if there is no incentive to support the network further.